1994—1995 “火王”商标正式注册成功,同年荣获缝隙发散旋流式专利,推出新品838旋焰猛火高效防污燃气灶,一举占领市场制高点;保健燃气热水器、情侣保健燃气热水器创新推出,荣获全国畅销国产商品“金桥奖”,成为全国首家燃器具行业ISO9002认证企业,首批燃气热水器生产许可证获得者。市场销售额成倍增长,火王坚实走过成长期。
1996—1998 火王进入高速发展期,产品系列化、多样性形成。新型节能及灵巧实用多重专利998型红外线燃气灶、中国第一台比例阀有线遥控热水器、全自动保健燃气热水器等多款产品及专利的推出,成功获得ISO9001认证,奠定其行业领先地位。在此期间,火王跨入亿元燃器具企业行列,产值连年翻番。
1999—2000 火王进入持续稳定发展期。第一代嵌入式空气旋流器、灶具带通风孔两项国家专利技术,使灶面进风成为行业“惯例”。而嵌入式灶具则全面使用钢化玻璃防爆膜,被同行竞相采用,风行一时。火王第一代强排式热水器,全面采用当时领先地预清扫后清扫技术。随后,第二代强排式热水器也成功打入市场,为客户带来强化燃烧技术的全新体验。
2001—2006 火王第一代强给排热水器,强化燃烧和遥控技术,首家实现温度显示功能。火王第二代嵌入式灶具(Q系列)、第三代台式灶具(H系列)和第二代台式玻璃灶具(B系列)全面上市,采用“方便稳固型嵌入式灶具”,“双层排面旋气孔火盖装置”等新型国家专利,领先同行。新一代嵌入式灶具(QJ系列保洁型灶),“三眼灶保洁外型技术”、“二眼灶保洁外型技术”、“保洁炉头外型技术”、“风门调节实用新型技术”荣获专利,蓝屏显示功能新一代强排、强给热水器、数码恒温热水器成功上市。新技术和新产品的开发,让火王在同行业首批获取中国计量科学院北京鉴衡认证中心CGC认证殊荣,一举拿下中华环境保护基金会“绿色产品奖”,荣获广东省名牌,广东省著名商标等多项殊荣。适逢企业内外环境条件发生变化,国企改制风起云涌,火王进入调整期。
2007 火王改制成功,凤凰涅槃,浴火重生。标志着火王完成了特区国有企业成功实践的历史使命,再次被推到了国企改制尝试的风口浪尖。火王不但肩负着承袭火及“火”文化发扬光大的使命,更作为一个特定历史时期承担着社会主义市场经济体制变革实践的先行者。意义深远而重大。
2008 火王坚持“稳定、调整、发展、创新”的方针,继续苦练内功,燃气电器合二为一,品牌整合,对内扎实基础,对外重塑形象,雄心勃勃的火王大扩版图:燃气灶继续成为行业领航者,市场销售业绩一路飙升,产品质量获得了用户的一致好评,保持着更快的增长速度。
2009 火王捷报频传:行业首创聚焰保洁燃气灶QN系列全面创新上市,多功能融合系列集成灶、全不锈钢负离子消毒柜等新品成功推出;行业首批通过GB/T24001-2004IDTISO14004:2004环境管理体系认证;荣获2009家电节能榜"能效标识优秀企业"称号;燃气热水器先后两次在全国24个省市自治区燃气热水器全国"家电下乡"项目中成功夺标,并荣登"高效产品榜";火王人将继续以“品质”为消费者带来最佳享受,向着"创造品质生活"的企业愿景不懈追求。
2010 火王荣荣膺广东省燃气协会副会长单位;正式提出"固本培源,持续发展"年度主题,从产品品质、人力资源及营销布局三个根本打牢基础。加强原材料制造能力及质检能力;扩大人才储备,将企业文化融入行为,将个人规划与企业发展紧密结合,营造团队融合;按营销三把火战略深耕渠道、以点带面建立起规模网络。
英文翻译:Founded in 1992, Shenzhen huowanghuo Appliance Co., Ltd. is the pioneer and pioneer of China's environmental protection and energy-saving kitchen appliances, and the first comprehensive kitchen and bathroom appliances manufacturing enterprise in China with complete independent research and development, production, sales and service. Since its establishment 21 years ago, the company has always been committed to "providing more excellent, healthy and fashionable kitchen and electricity experience for Chinese families" as its mission and social mission. 25 industry first, 51 national patents protect the healthy life of millions of families in China, and the products have won the "Golden Bridge Award", "the most in China" and other national top honors. Fire king is also the only one in the field of kitchen and electricity with "energy conservation and environmental protection" and "blue flame" two qualification certification provider. In 1992, the "king of fire" was born in Shenzhen, the forefront of reform. The 338 type energy-saving and pollution-proof gas stove patented by Huowang has been launched in the market. In 1993, it became the first burning appliance industry that invested a lot of money in CCTV advertising. In the same year, the research and development of card furnace and full-automatic oil-free strong range hood was successful. From 1994 to 1995, the "king of fire" trademark was officially registered successfully. In the same year, it won the gap divergence swirl type patent, launched a new 838 flame whirling fire high-efficiency antifouling gas stove, occupying the market commanding height at one stroke. The health gas water heater and couple health gas water heater were innovated and launched, and won the "Golden Bridge Award" of national best-selling domestic products, becoming the first fire appliance industry ISO9002 certification enterprise in China Approved gas water heater production license. Market sales have doubled, and Huowang has gone through a solid growth period. From 1996 to 1998, Huowang entered a period of high-speed development, with the formation of product seriation and diversity. New energy-saving and smart Utility Multi patent 998 infrared gas stove, China's first proportional valve wired remote control water heater, full-automatic health care gas water heater and other products and patents were launched, and successfully obtained ISO9001 certification, laying a leading position in the industry. During this period, Huowang has entered the ranks of 100 million yuan fire appliance enterprises, and its output value has doubled year after year. From 1999 to 2000, the king of fire entered a period of sustained and stable development. The first generation of embedded air hydrocyclone and stove with ventilation holes are two national patented technologies, which make the stove face air inlet become the industry "Convention". But the embedded stove uses the toughened glass explosion-proof membrane comprehensively, which is adopted by the peers and is popular for a while. The first generation of Fire King forced drainage water heater fully adopts the leading pre cleaning and post cleaning technology at that time. Subsequently, the second generation of forced draft water heaters also successfully entered the market, bringing customers a new experience of enhanced combustion technology. From 2001 to 2006, the first generation of Fire King forced water heater enhanced combustion and remote control technology, and it was the first to realize the temperature display function. The second-generation embedded stove (q-series), the third-generation desktop stove (H-series) and the second-generation desktop glass stove (B-series) of the king of fire are all listed on the market, adopting new national patents such as "convenient and stable embedded stove" and "double-layer row surface rotary vent fire cover device", leading the same line. The new generation of embedded stove (QJ series cleaning type stove), "three eye stove cleaning appearance technology", "two eye stove cleaning appearance technology", "cleaning stove head appearance technology" and "utility model technology of air door adjustment" were awarded patents. The blue screen display function of the new generation of strong exhaust, strong heat water heater and digital constant temperature water heater were successfully listed on the market. With the development of new technology and new products, Huowang won the first batch of CGC certification award of Beijing appraisal certification center of Chinese Academy of Metrology in the same industry, won the "green product award" of China Environmental Protection Foundation, and won many honors such as Guangdong famous brand and Guangdong famous trademark. At the same time, the internal and external environmental conditions of the enterprise have changed, the state-owned enterprise restructuring is surging, and Huowang has entered the adjustment period. In 2007, the fire king was reformed successfully and phoenix was reborn. It marks that the king of fire has completed the historical mission of successful practice of the state-owned enterprises in the special zone, and once again has been pushed to the forefront of the reform attempt of the state-owned enterprises. The king of fire not only shoulders the mission of inheriting fire and carrying forward the "fire" culture, but also as a forerunner of the practice of socialist market economy system reform in a specific historical period. It's profound and significant. In 2008, adhering to the policy of "stability, adjustment, development and innovation", Huowang continued to work hard on internal skills, integrating gas and electrical appliances, integrating brands, building a solid foundation at home and reshaping its image at abroad. The ambitious expansion of Huowang's territory: gas stoves continued to become the industry leader, with soaring market sales performance, and product quality consistently praised by users, maintaining a faster growth Long speed. In 2009, the king of fire reported frequently: the industry's first flame cleaning gas stove QN series of comprehensive innovation went on the market, multi-functional integration series of integrated stoves, all stainless steel negative ion disinfection cabinet and other new products were successfully launched; the industry's first batch passed the GB / t24001-2004idtiso14004:2004 environmental management system certification; won the title of "excellent enterprise of energy efficiency label" in 2009 household appliances energy saving list; gas water heater has been twice in the country 24 provinces and autonomous regions won the national "home appliances to the countryside" project of gas water heaters, and won the "list of efficient products"; Huowang people will continue to bring the best enjoyment to consumers with "quality", and pursue the corporate vision of "creating quality life". In 2010, Huowang was honored as vice president of Guangdong Gas Association, and formally proposed the annual theme of "consolidating the foundation, cultivating the resources, and sustaining the development", laying a solid foundation in terms of product quality, human resources and marketing layout. Strengthen raw material manufacturing capacity and quality inspection capacity; expand talent reserve, integrate corporate culture into behavior, closely integrate personal planning and enterprise development, and create team integration; according to the three fire marketing strategies, deepen channels and build scale network from point to area. In 2011, cohesion. Huowang won the international standard product mark certification, and the product technology and quality were affirmed by the international standard; the new terminal image of "better Huowang" and higher grade fashion was officially launched and promoted nationwide; it was fully launched in cooperation with the top terminal design, product design and marketing planning companies in China; and the new modern production and manufacturing base was groundbreaking. In 2012, it was awarded "energy conservation and environmental protection" and "blue flame" by CGC Certification Center, and won the title of national high-tech enterprise! In 2013, the QN series of Huowang stove won the title of "the third ten innovative models of gas appliances" of China Hardware Association! Huowang company signed a contract with Zhang Hanyu, the Golden Horse movie emperor, as the brand spokesperson; Huowang Industrial Park was completed and put into use. In 2014, we will go out again The Huowang people inherit and continue the results of human's use and Research on fire for at least 500000 years, devote themselves to research for 22 years, focus on the experts of Huo and Huo, and make continuous efforts to establish the brand of Huowang for 100 years.
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