迈巴赫(德文:Maybach)与迈巴赫引擎制造厂(德文:Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH)是一曾经在1921年到1940年间活跃于欧洲地区的德国超豪华汽车品牌与制造厂,车厂创始人卡尔·迈巴赫(Karl Maybach)的父亲威廉·迈巴赫(Wilhelm Maybach)曾担任戴姆勒发动机公司(今日戴姆勒集团前身)的首席技术总监,两厂渊源甚深。1997年戴姆勒·克莱斯勒集团在东京车展会场中展出一辆以Maybach为名的概念性超豪华四门轿车,正式让这个德国汽车品牌在销声匿迹多年后再次复活。
英文翻译:Started in 1921 in Germany, under Daimler, the automobile is a legendary brand in the history, and a German super luxury automobile brand with a long history and high reputation. Maybach (German: Maybach) and Maybach engine manufacturing plant (German: Maybach motorenbaugmbh) are German super luxury automobile brands and manufacturers that were active in Europe from 1921 to 1940. Wilhelm Maybach, the father of Karl Maybach, the founder of the factory, once served as Daimler engine company (today's Daimler group) The two factories have a deep relationship. In 1997, DaimlerChrysler group exhibited a concept super luxury four door car named Maybach at the Tokyo auto show, officially reviving the German auto brand after years of disappearance.