我要投票 ZPSS在建筑不锈钢行业中的票数:108
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2025-03-01 21:01:26 星期六





浦项(张家港)不锈钢股份有限公司,原名张家港浦项不锈钢有限公司,简称ZPSS,公司座落于江苏省张家港市沿江经济开发区。东临上海,西接南京,北倚扬子江,南靠苏州、无锡,交通十分便利。 ZPSS成立于1997年2月15日,由韩国POSCO和江苏沙钢集团共同投资建设,是专业生产不锈钢的中外合资企业。

公司第一期冷轧不锈钢工程于 1997年4月正式开工,于1999年1月22日竣工投产。一期工程投总资额为2.16亿美元,设计生产能力为冷轧不锈钢薄板14万吨/年,占地面积12万多平方米。


为了更好地满足用户需要,改善中国国内不锈钢冷轧产品供不应求的状况,经国家有关部门批准, ZPSS于2001年12月14日增加投资,开始不锈钢冷轧板二期工程的建设,二期工程于2002年2月22日开始打桩,3月19日举行开工典礼,整个工程已于2003年9月19日竣工投产,使年产冷轧不锈钢薄板生产能力达到了40万吨,占地面积增加到了20.8万平方米,产品质量、服务质量达到世界水平。


本着解决 POSCO在中国投资的冷轧不锈钢生产企业(ZPSS和青岛浦项不锈钢有限公司)的原材料供应问题及为中国的钢铁事业的发展作贡献的经营理念,同时也是为降低生产成本,提高ZPSS的经济效益,POSCO决定在ZPSS一、二期工程的基础上开展STS扩建工程。扩建工程于2003年9月8日获国家批准,核定扩建投资总额为7.44亿美元。投资比例为韩国POSCO占82.5%,江苏沙钢集团占17.5%。2003年10月31日,ZPSS工程指挥本部成立,开始了不锈钢扩建工程的规划、设计工作。扩建工程位置在张家港市大新镇沿江公路两侧,距离一、二期工程8Km路程。工程包括不锈钢冶炼、连铸、热轧三大主体工程,设计生产能力为年产热轧不锈钢钢板60万吨。

英文翻译:Founded in 1997, it is jointly invested and established by POSCO company of South Korea and Jiangsu Shagang Group, specializing in the production and sales of stainless steel cold-rolled products and hot-rolled products Puxiang (Zhangjiagang) Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., formerly known as Zhangjiagang Puxiang Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., referred to as ZPSs. The company is located in Zhangjiagang Yanjiang Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province. Shanghai to the East, Nanjing to the west, Yangtze River to the north, Suzhou and Wuxi to the south, the transportation is very convenient. ZPSs was founded on February 15, 1997, jointly invested by POSCO of South Korea and Jiangsu shagang group. It is a Sino foreign joint venture specializing in stainless steel production. The first phase of cold rolling stainless steel project of the company was officially started in April 1997 and completed and put into operation on January 22, 1999. The total investment of the first phase of the project is US $216 million. The design and production capacity is 140000 tons / year for cold-rolled stainless steel sheet, covering an area of more than 120000 square meters. On August 28, 2001, ZPSs formally absorbed and merged the original Zhangjiagang Puyang steel plate Co., Ltd. and added one continuous galvanizing production line. The design and production capacity of this continuous galvanizing production line is 120000 tons / year of galvanized steel plate. The total investment of the company increased to 249 million US dollars and the floor area increased to 178000 square meters. In order to better meet the needs of users and improve the situation that domestic stainless steel cold rolling products are in short supply, ZPSs increased investment on December 14, 2001, and started the construction of the second phase of stainless steel cold rolling plate project. The second phase of the project started piling on February 22, 2002, and the commencement ceremony was held on March 19, 2002. The whole project was completed and put into operation on September 19, 2003 The production capacity of cold-rolled stainless steel sheet has reached 400000 tons, the floor area has increased to 208000 square meters, and the product quality and service quality have reached the world level. All equipment of phase I and phase II projects of the company are imported from companies with world-class technology in the United States, Japan, Switzerland and other countries, and the production process is controlled by international cutting-edge network technology. In order to solve the problem of raw material supply of cold rolled stainless steel production enterprises (ZPSs and Qingdao POSCO Stainless Steel Co., Ltd.) invested by POSCO in China and contribute to the development of steel industry in China, and also to reduce production costs and improve the economic benefits of ZPSs, POSCO decided to carry out STS expansion project on the basis of ZPSs phase I and phase II project. The expansion project was approved by the state on September 8, 2003, with a total investment of 744 million US dollars. The proportion of investment is 82.5% in POSCO of South Korea and 17.5% in shagang group of Jiangsu. On October 31, 2003, ZPSs engineering headquarters was established and started the planning and design of stainless steel expansion project. The expansion project is located on both sides of the riverside highway in Daxin Town, Zhangjiagang City, 8km away from the first and second phase of the project. The project includes three major projects of stainless steel smelting, continuous casting and hot rolling. The designed production capacity is 600000 tons of hot-rolled stainless steel plates per year.

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2月28日,交通运输部召开党组会和部务会。会议强调,要认真落实国务院常务会议精神,做好交通运输服务贸易和服务消费有关工作,扩大运输服务对外开放,完善面向国际的服务网络,推广应用电子运单,巩固提升互联互通合作成果。要持续强化废旧动力电池运输监管,配合做好新能源汽车动力电池回收等工作。要继续高质量做好今年建议提案办理工作,加强与代表委员沟通,把建议提案办理得更好更实更有成效。 会议指出,做好全国两会期间交通运输相关工作责任重大。要全力确保行业安全稳定,坚决克服麻痹思想、侥幸心理,压实各级责任,全面落实防风险、保安全、促稳定各项措施。要认真做好服务保障,加密与气象等部门会商研判,强化恶劣天气和灾害预警,及时发布出行信息。要积极稳妥做好新闻宣传工作,认真组织媒体平台报道策划,积极回应社会关切。要加强请示报告、严明工作纪律,强化值班值守、会商调度和信息报送,认真贯彻中央八项规定及其实施细则精神,以高度的责任感和使命感,优质高效抓好工作落实。






上海市卫健委近日公布2025年1月上海市法定传染病疫情报告。2025年1月1日至2025年1月31日,本市共报告法定管理的甲乙丙类传染病108459例,死亡15人。其中: 无甲类传染病报告。 乙类传染病共报告10种2875例,死亡15人;其中,报告新型冠状病毒感染992例。报告发病数居前五位的病种依次为新型冠状病毒感染、梅毒、肺结核、猩红热和淋病,占本月乙类传染病报告病例总数的89.04%。15例死亡病例分别为肺结核9例和艾滋病6例。 丙类传染病共报告4种105584例,无死亡病例报告。报告发病数居前三位的病种依次为流行性感冒、其他感染性腹泻病和手足口病,占本月丙类传染病报告病例总数的99.98%。



2月28日,《深圳市地方金融管理局 中国人民银行深圳市分行 国家金融监督管理总局深圳监管局 中国证券监督管理委员会深圳监管局关于支持前海金融高质量发展的行动方案(2025-2026)》(下称“行动方案”)正式发布,明确将进一步支持前海建立健全以扩大金融业高水平开放、人民币国际化为重点的政策体系,深化与香港金融规则衔接机制对接,促进深港金融服务业的开放与联通。




