占边三得利人是百年品牌的传承者。自1795年一个名叫Jacob Beam的农民和粮食加工业者生产出第一桶威士忌后,便成就了“占边(Jim Beam)威士忌”的美名。现在,“占边”已成为波本威士忌的旗舰品牌,由第七代占边酿酒大师弗莱德•诺埃(Fred Noe)亲自监督酿造。而三得利株式会社的历史则始于1899年,其创始人鸟井信治郎自那时起便开始生产甜葡萄酒。随后,他大胆创新,生产出第一桶威士忌,而今天,三得利已成为日本威士忌酒厂商,其旗舰品牌有单一麦芽威士忌“山崎(Yamazaki)”和“白州(Hakushu)”,以及调和威士忌“响(Hibiki)”。三得利凭借其“志在新,勇于行”的核心价值观激励着团队将事业做大做强……而Beam公司有着与之惊人相同的价值观和企业精神,这也是其屹立200多年而不倒的原因所在。
作为烈性酒公司,Beam Suntory(占边三得利)以“酿制出轰动世界的烈性酒品牌(Crafting the Spirits Brands that Stir the World)”为己任,让人们能够以酒会友,增进彼此间的感情。公司的客户遍布世界各个角落,他们争相定购本公司的各种品牌酒,既有公司旗舰品牌占边(Jim Beam)、波本(Bourbon)和日本山崎威士忌(Yamazaki Japanese Whisky),也有其它品牌酒,比如:“美格(Makers Mark)”、“留名溪(Knob Creek)”、“白州(Hakushu)”、“响(Hibiki)”、“提切斯(Teachers)”、“拉弗格(Laphroaig)”、“波摩(Bowmore)”、“加拿大俱乐部(Canadian Club)”、“拿破仑(Courvoisier)”、“索查(Sauza)”、“品尼可(Pinnacle)”和“蜜多丽(Midori)”。Beam Suntory于2014年创立,其底蕴深厚,对品质的追求可谓孜孜不倦,而更令人称道的是公司的创新精神和企业文化。Beam Suntory是日本三得利株式会社的子公司,其公司总部设在伊利诺斯州迪尔菲尔德。
英文翻译:The top ten whisky brands started in 1795 in the United States, and created a world-renowned brand of spirits. In 2014, they were acquired by Suntory company of Japan, and Suntory people, occupying the border, are the inheritors of the century old brands. Since 1795, a farmer and grain processor named Jacob beam produced the first barrel of whisky, he has achieved the reputation of "Jim Beam whisky". Now "Zhanbian" has become the flagship brand of Bourbon Whisky, which is personally supervised by the seventh generation of Zhanbian master Fred noe. The history of Suntory Co., Ltd. began in 1899. Its founder, shinchiro InaI, has been producing sweet wine since then. Later, he made bold innovations to produce the first barrel of whisky. Today, Suntory has become a Japanese whisky manufacturer, with its flagship brands of Single Malt Whisky Yamazaki and Hakushu and blended whisky Hibiki. Suntory inspires the team to make its business bigger and stronger by virtue of its core values of "aspiring to the new and daring to act" And beam company has the same amazing values and corporate spirit, which is why it has been standing for more than 200 years. As a liquor company, beam Suntory takes "crafting the spirits brands that stir the world" as its duty, so that people can make friends with each other and enhance their feelings. The company's customers are all over the world, and they are eager to order all kinds of brand wines of the company, including its flagship brands Jim Beam, bourbon and Yamazaki Japanese whisky, as well as other brands, such as "makers mark", "knobcreek", "Hakushu", "Hibiki", "teacher" s) "," laproaig "," Bowmore "," Canadian Club "," Courvoisier "," Sauza "," pinnacle "and" Midori ". Founded in 2014, beamsuntory has a deep foundation, and its pursuit of quality is tireless. What's more, the company's innovation spirit and corporate culture. Beamsuntory is a subsidiary of Suntory Co., Ltd. of Japan. Its headquarter is located in Deerfield, Illinois.