【风度mens uno是哪个国家的品牌?】
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《风度men’s uno》曾用名《达人志》杂志于2004年3月引进中国内地发行,为亚太区销售量、阅读率较高且颇具代表性的中文男性时尚时装杂志,。
如果将《风度mens uno》杂志比喻成一位男士,那他具备以下的特征:时尚、感性而性感、智慧而不张扬、强壮且可以信任、享受生活制造浪漫但并不等同于铺张。《风度mens uno》杂志在生活中可以给读者足够的享受和帮助,同时也提供给读者精神方面温暖的依赖。自2011年起,《风度mens uno》杂志面向“都市轻熟男”人群,诠释出一种时髦、优雅、低调、都市化的生活方式。“都市轻熟男”承袭了都市型男一贯的生活态度,他们事业稳步上升,生活精致、有品位,敢于消费,但他们更追求创新与突破,更具生活情致,他们是时尚消费的中坚力量。
《men’s uno》于2004年3月开始在中国内地发行,呈现出更加成熟、睿智的风格,是以时装为主的男性生活杂志,丰富实用的内容是与其他男性杂志的重要区别。
英文翻译:"Demeanor men's suno", once known as "darenzhi", was introduced to the mainland of China in March 2004 and released. It is a representative Chinese men's fashion magazine with high sales volume and reading rate in the Asia Pacific region,. If we compare "demeanor mensuno" magazine to a man, he has the following characteristics: fashion, sensibility and sexuality, wisdom without publicity, strong and trustworthy, enjoying life and creating romance, but not equivalent to extravagance. "Demeanor" magazine in life can give readers enough enjoyment and help, but also provide readers with warm spiritual dependence. Since 2011, fashion mensuno magazine has interpreted a fashionable, elegant, low-key and urbanized lifestyle for the urban light and mature men. "Urban light mature male" inherits the consistent life attitude of urban type male. Their career is steadily rising, their life is exquisite, tasteful, and they dare to consume. However, they are more in pursuit of innovation and breakthrough, and they are more in love with life. They are the backbone of fashion consumption. Men's suno began to be published in the mainland of China in March 2004, showing a more mature and intelligent style. It is a men's life magazine mainly based on fashion. Its rich and practical content is an important difference from other men's magazines.