我要投票 清华大学美术学院在艺术院校行业中的票数:97
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2025-01-31 06:45:22 星期五





1956 5月21日,中华人民共和国国务院正式批准成立中央工艺美术学院。学院的师资队伍由中央美术学院华东分院实用美术系、中央美术学院实用美术系、清华大学营建系等单位的专业教师及若干名海外归来的专家共同组成。11月1日,中央工艺美术学院在北京马神庙白堆子正式举行建院典礼(此日被定为院庆日)。当时,学院下设染织美术、陶瓷美术和装潢设计三个系;同时成立中央工艺美术学院研究所,下设美术委员会和科学委员会;另有理论研究室、刺绣研究室、服装研究室、家具研究室、张景祜泥塑工作室和汤子博面塑工作室。

1957 经由轻工业部调配,中央工艺美术学院迁入朝阳区东三环中路34号。同年,学院归属文化部领导。增设室内装饰系。

1958 9月,创办当时唯一的一本工艺美术类综合性学术刊物《装饰》杂志。

1960 5月26日,经中央宣传部、中央文教小组批准,中央工艺美术学院等12所艺术院校被文化部定为重点学校。

1977 恢复高考,招收“文革”后第一批本科生、专科生和研究生。

1980 成立“中央工艺美术学院设计中心”(1985年改为“环境艺术研究设计中心”),结合教学、科研,对社会展开艺术设计和创作的有偿服务。同年6月,《装饰》杂志复刊,并出版丛刊《工艺美术论丛》。创办服装设计专业,招收服装设计专科生。

1982 招收服装设计本科生。

1983 成立工艺美术史系,该专业成为国内唯一的博士点。

1984 建立工业设计系和服装设计系。

1986 3月,中央工艺美术学院工艺楼落成,建立实验室管理处,设木工、印染、服装、漆艺、陶瓷、印刷、摄影、装裱、电脑、电教等工艺实验室。相继设立“平山郁夫奖学金”、“枫华奖学金”、“张光宇艺术奖”和“王已千创作设计研究奖”等奖励基金,激励全院师生勇攀艺术高峰。

1989 学院先后与日本东京艺术大学、日本多摩美术大学、美国芝加哥艺术学院、美国华盛顿大学美术学院、美国麻省艺术学院、美国乔治亚州立大学、美国纽约视觉艺术学院、芬兰赫尔辛基艺术设计大学、法国巴黎国立装饰艺术学院、德国斯图加特造型艺术学院、韩国东亚大学等20余所大学建立了校际友好交流关系,聘请著名美籍华人科学家李政道、日本著名画家平山郁夫、德国著名工业设计家雷曼、美籍华裔著名画家丁绍光和日本著名工业设计家平野拓夫为学院名誉教授,同时还聘请国际和国内艺术设计领域的数十位著名专家和学者为客座教授。

1998 9月,根据国务院部委撤并所属院校划转的精神,学院划归北京市。

1999 根据国家高等教育管理体制改革和布局结构的调整精神,经教育部批准,一九九九年十一月二十日学院并入清华大学,更名为清华大学美术学院。中央工艺美术学院并入清华大学,在我国高等教育管理体制改革的进程中产生了重要的影响,它体现了科学与艺术相结合在21世纪高等教育的发展趋势。并入清华大学之后,在学校建设一流大学战略思想指导下,依托综合学科优势,加大教学改革的力度,在学科建设、人才培养、科学研究、队伍建设、设施环境等方面取得了明显改善,学科结构更趋合理,优势进一步加强,特色更加突出,取得了显著的成绩。

2000年10月 学院组织召开了为期三天的学科建设讨论会。确立了学院在今后发展中要“保持设计艺术学科优势,加速发展美术学科”的方向。同年,学院获美术学硕士学位授予权。2003年获美术学博士学位授予权。

2002  “设计艺术学”被教育部评为全国高等学校重点学科。2008年,“艺术学”一级学科被评为北京市重点学科。

2003  学院设立艺术学博士后科研流动站。

2004 在全国高等学校一级学科整体水平评估中,综合得分排名列艺术学第一位。

2005 开始招收艺术硕士专业学位研究生。2005年9月28日美术学院迁入位于清华大学校内的新教学楼,新楼的建筑面积达62000平方米,使学院的教学、科研条件得到极大改善,生均教学资源在国内同类院校中占有优势,为学院培养高素质拔尖人才提供了重要保证。与此同时,学院的迁入也为清华园增添了浓厚的人文氛围和艺术气息,对提升学生的艺术素养起到很大的推动作用。

2006 首批增列艺术学一级学科博士学位授予权。

2008 ”艺术学”一级学科被北京市教育委员会评为北京市重点学科,“艺术与设计实验教学中心”被评为北京市实验教学示范中心。

2009 在第二轮全国一级学科整体水平评估中,综合得分排名列艺术学第一位;清华大学艺术与设计实验教学中心被评为国家级实验教学示范建设单位。

2010 完成设计学科国际诊断式评估工作,国际评估专家组结论“清华大学美术学院已经跨入国际最佳设计院校行列”。“信息艺术设计”交叉学科被评为北京市重点学科。

2011 艺术学由一级学科升至门类,我院申报并获批“艺术学理论”、“美术学”、“设计学”3个一级学科博士学位授予权。国际教学合作取得突破,与米兰理工大学设计学院联合培养硕士研究生项目启动招生培养工作。

2012 在第三轮全国一级学科整体水平评估中,“设计学”名列第一,“艺术学理论”并列第三,“美术学”名列第四。同年,在北京市重点学科调整、增补工作中,“设计学”(增补)、“美术学”(调整)获北京市一级学科重点学科。多次被美国《商业周刊》评为全球60所最佳设计院系之一,是中国最具影响力的艺术与设计类学院之一。

英文翻译:The college has always attached great importance to the cultivation of students' innovative spirit and ability. While strengthening the basic professional teaching, the college has constantly broadened students' knowledge and made great efforts to improve their comprehensive quality. It has also attached great importance to the study of the excellent traditions of Chinese and foreign nationalities and folk arts. It has also attached great importance to academic exchanges, focused on and studied the development trend of Arts and art design at home and abroad. It has also advocated rigorous scholarship and theoretical integration The Department has a practical and realistic good style of study; it emphasizes the service of design for life, the combination of design and process production, art and science; it cultivates students' keen ability to observe life and the consciousness of making contributions to the national economic and cultural construction; it creates an active academic atmosphere and a good educational environment. Under the guidance of the overall plan of Tsinghua University to build a world-class university, the college will continue to maintain and carry forward the school running characteristics of the former Central Academy of Arts and crafts and the advantages of the design art discipline, accelerate the development of the art discipline, continuously deepen the teaching reform, timely absorb the latest achievements of design art and art education at home and abroad, strengthen the combination of art and science, and promote the creation and scientific research With the continuous improvement of teaching level, we will explore the reasonable structure of design art and fine arts for the 21st century, and strive to build a world-famous Academy of fine arts with world-class art design discipline and domestic leading level of plastic arts discipline. On May 21, 1956, the State Council of the people's Republic of China officially approved the establishment of the Central Academy of Arts and crafts. The Faculty of the college is composed of professional teachers from the practical art department of East China branch of Central Academy of fine arts, the practical art department of Central Academy of fine arts, the Construction Department of Tsinghua University and a number of overseas experts. On November 1, the Central Academy of Arts and crafts officially held its founding ceremony in baiduzi, the temple of horse in Beijing (this day was designated as the anniversary of the Academy). At that time, the college set up three departments of dyeing and weaving art, ceramic art and decoration design; at the same time, it set up the Research Institute of the Central Academy of Arts and crafts, under which there were Art Committee and Scientific Committee; there were also theoretical research room, embroidery research room, clothing research room, furniture research room, Zhang Jinghu clay sculpture studio and Tang Zibo face sculpture studio. 1957 through the deployment of the Ministry of light industry, the Central Academy of Arts and crafts moved to No. 34, Middle East Third Ring Road, Chaoyang District. In the same year, the college was under the leadership of the Ministry of culture. Add interior decoration Department. In September 1958, the only comprehensive academic journal of Arts and crafts, decoration, was founded. On May 26, 1960, with the approval of the Central Propaganda Department and the central culture and education group, 12 art schools including the Central Academy of Arts and crafts were designated as key schools by the Ministry of culture. The college entrance examination was resumed in 1977, and the first batch of undergraduates, junior college students and postgraduates after the "Cultural Revolution" were enrolled. In 1980, the design center of the Central Academy of Arts and crafts (changed to "environmental art research and design center" in 1985) was established to provide paid services for art design and creation to the society in combination with teaching and scientific research. In June of the same year, decoration magazine resumed publication and published a series of treatises on arts and crafts. Set up the major of fashion design and recruit the students of fashion design. 1982. Admission of clothing design undergraduates. In 1983, the Department of Arts and crafts history was established, which became the only doctoral program in China. 1984 Department of industrial design and Department of fashion design were established. In March 1986, the technology building of the Central Academy of Arts and crafts was completed, and the laboratory management office was established, with the technology laboratories of woodworking, printing and dyeing, clothing, lacquer art, ceramics, printing, photography, mounting, computer, audio-visual education, etc. We have successively set up "Pingshan Yufu scholarship", "Fenghua scholarship", "Zhang Guangyu Art Award" and "Wang Jiqian Creative Design Research Award" and other incentive funds to encourage teachers and students to climb the art peak bravely. In 1989, the college successively cooperated with Tokyo University of art, dormo University of art, Chicago Institute of art, Washington University School of art, Massachusetts Institute of art, Georgia State University, New York Institute of visual arts, Helsinki University of art and design, Paris National Institute of decorative arts, Stuttgart Institute of plastic arts, Germany More than 20 universities, including the University of East Asia of South Korea, have established friendly inter university exchanges, employing famous Chinese American scientist Li Zhengdao, famous Japanese painter Hirayama Yufu, famous German industrial designer Lehman, famous Chinese American painter Ding Shaoguang and famous Japanese industrial designer Hirano Tuofu as honorary professors of the college, as well as dozens of international and domestic works in the field of art and design Experts and scholars are visiting professors. In September 1998, according to the spirit of the transfer of colleges and Universities under the State Council, the college was transferred to Beijing. In accordance with the spirit of the reform of the national higher education management system and the adjustment of the layout structure, and with the approval of the Ministry of education, the college was incorporated into Tsinghua University on November 20, 1999 and renamed as the Academy of fine arts of Tsinghua University. The incorporation of the Central Academy of Arts and crafts into Tsinghua University has exerted an important influence on the reform of the management system of higher education in China. It embodies the trend of the combination of science and art in the development of higher education in the 21st century. After being incorporated into Tsinghua University, under the guidance of the strategic thought of building a first-class university, relying on the advantages of comprehensive disciplines and strengthening the efforts of teaching reform, it has made obvious improvements in discipline construction, personnel training, scientific research, team construction, facilities and environment, with more reasonable discipline structure, further strengthening of advantages, more prominent characteristics and remarkable achievements. In October 2000, the college organized a three-day seminar on discipline construction. It has established the direction that the college should "maintain the advantages of design art discipline and accelerate the development of art discipline" in the future development. In the same year, the college was granted the right to confer a master's degree in fine arts. In 2003, he was granted the right to confer a doctor's degree in fine arts. In 2002, "design art" was awarded as the key discipline of national colleges and universities by the Ministry of education. In 2008, the first level discipline of "art science" was awarded as the key discipline of Beijing. In 2003, the college set up a post doctoral research station of art. In 2004, in the evaluation of the overall level of the first-class disciplines in national institutions of higher learning, the comprehensive score ranked first in art. In 2005, we began to recruit graduate students with master's degree in art. On September 28, 2005, the Academy of fine arts moved into the new teaching building located in Tsinghua University, with a building area of 62000 square meters, which greatly improved the teaching and scientific research conditions of the college. The teaching resources per student occupy an advantage in similar domestic colleges and universities, providing an important guarantee for the college to cultivate high-quality top talents. At the same time, the college's moving in also adds a strong humanistic atmosphere and artistic atmosphere to Tsinghua garden, which plays a great role in promoting students' artistic quality. In 2006, the first batch of doctor's degree awarding rights were added. In 2008, the first level discipline of "art" was rated as the key discipline of Beijing by Beijing Municipal Education Commission, and the "art and design experimental teaching center" was rated as the Beijing Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center. In 2009, in the second round of national first-class discipline overall level evaluation, the comprehensive score ranked first in art; Tsinghua University Art and design experimental teaching center was rated as the national experimental teaching demonstration construction unit. In 2010, the international diagnostic evaluation of design discipline was completed, and the international evaluation expert group concluded that "the Academy of fine arts of Tsinghua University has entered the ranks of the best international design institutions". The interdisciplinary subject of "information art design" is rated as the key subject of Beijing. In 2011, art science was upgraded from a first-class discipline to a category, and our institute applied for and was approved to grant doctoral degrees in three first-class disciplines, namely "art theory", "art science" and "design science". The international teaching cooperation has made a breakthrough, and the joint training of master's degree program with the school of design of Milan University of technology has started the recruitment and training work. In 2012, in the third round of national first-class discipline overall level evaluation, design science ranked first, art theory ranked third, and art science ranked fourth. In the same year, in the adjustment and supplement of key disciplines in Beijing, "design science" (Supplement) and "art science" (adjustment) were awarded the first level key disciplines in Beijing. It has been rated as one of the 60 best design schools in the world by business week, and is one of the most influential art and design schools in China.

本文链接: https://www.waitui.com/brand/b66983101.html 联系电话:010-62798170,62788443


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财经网站Forexlive分析师Justin Low表示,欧洲央行今天预计将降息25个基点,并将在3月份再次进行类似的降息。我不期望对后者有明确的预先承诺,但至少会接近后者。欧洲央行行长拉加德应该重申,如果事情继续沿着这条轨迹发展,那么3月份再次降息就是“正确的举措”。目前反通胀的进程仍面临一些障碍,但在经济走弱的情况下,政策制定者必须调整叙事,将所有的碎片整合在一起。这意味着在谈到抗击通胀的进展的同时,承认经济形势走软,但不至于糟糕到引发滞胀担忧的程度。如果欧洲央行做好自己的工作,那么欧元应该不会受到今天这一关键风险事件的太大影响。交易员们预计,欧洲央行今天降息25个基点的可能性约为96%,1月和3月的会议总共将降息46个基点。这很接近于说,降息或多或少已经完全反映在定价中了。(新浪财经)









印度政府正在与研究人员、初创企业和公司合作创建基础人工智能模型,以努力赶上行业的发展。印度科技部长Ashwini Vaishnaw周四表示,政府已经选定了18项提案,它们将获得计算基础设施、数据和资本支持,以在农业和气候变化等领域构建与人工智能相关的应用。“印度制造的基础模型将能够与世界上最优秀的模型媲美,”他表示,并称六家主要开发商将能够在8到10个月内构建基础人工智能模型。印度电子和信息技术部负责人Vaishnaw表示,印度将资助这些提案40%的计算费用。(新浪财经)




