我要投票 玖御贡茶在奶茶行业中的票数:62
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2025-01-19 07:17:47 星期日



御品贡茶 以传承古典茶道为底蕴,将纯茶的精髓与水果、鲜奶、五谷等养生素材很好结合,以健康、鲜制为首要目的,调配出多种风味茶饮,满足不同年龄人群多层次的的口感,为你化繁为简,你只需停下脚步,将琐事暂时排遣,体会茶禅合一的心境,用心感悟一次茶饮界的养性修行。

御品贡茶源自台湾贡茶,依托海内外贸易平台,拥有配送、采购、转口贸易等相关业务资质,和强大的资源优势、运营优势和雄厚的资金实力。是一个市场遍布各地、财力雄厚、卓越人才聚集、充满朝气和发展潜力的集团企业。 玖御贡茶以研发各种茶为主的系列饮料及非茶类休闲饮品。其完全承袭台湾品牌之经营、技术及管理,,历求很好打造国际、时尚、尊贵茶饮连锁品牌专营店而努力奋斗。



英文翻译:Yupingong tea combines the essence of pure tea with fruits, fresh milk, grains and other health care materials. With health and freshness as the primary purpose, yupingong tea can prepare a variety of flavor tea drinks to meet the multi-level taste of people of different ages and simplify the complexity for you. You just need to stop, arrange the trivia temporarily, experience the state of mind of tea zen integration, and feel it with your heart The cultivation practice of tea drinking world. Yupingong tea comes from Taiwan's tribute tea. Relying on domestic and foreign trade platforms, yupingong tea has relevant business qualifications such as distribution, procurement, entrepot trade, and strong resource advantages, operation advantages and strong financial strength. Is a market all over the country, financial strength, outstanding talents, full of vitality and development potential of the group enterprise. Jiuyugong tea mainly develops a series of tea drinks and non tea leisure drinks. It inherits the operation, technology and management of Taiwan's brand completely, and strives hard to build an international, fashionable and noble tea chain brand franchise store. After thousands of years of historical development, yupingong tea has formed a modern tribute tea with the structure of upper milk and lower tribute tea. You can enjoy milk, tribute tea, or share them. Among them, coffee, pearl milk tea and other classic drinks are also introduced. They are all made of gongcha. Yupingong tea has a soft, smooth taste, crystal clear sensory impact. It strictly selects fresh materials, tradition and innovation, and creates a nostalgic feeling and touch in a fashionable and young style. Yupingong tea comes from the secret jiuyunaigaigong tea new drink. It is made of Taiwan's famous high-quality fresh milk, covered with green tea, and sprinkled with a little green tea powder. It is not only exquisite but also good to drink 。

本文链接: https://www.waitui.com/brand/b0c13fd1e.html 联系电话:立即查看


7×24h 快讯

姚伟雄先生将不再担任安踏集团时尚运动品牌群 CEO 职务,江艳女士将接任时尚运动品牌群 CEO

36氪获悉,因已届退休年龄,姚伟雄先生将不再担任安踏集团时尚运动品牌群 CEO 职务,未来他将继续担任集团副总裁,负责集团时尚产业项目的日常管理与运营。自 2010 年起,姚伟雄先生一直负责 FILA品牌大中华地区的业务,带领团队将 FILA 打造成中国时尚运动赛道的标杆品牌,跻身中国前五大运动品牌之列。集团高度肯定姚伟雄先生为公司和行业所做出的杰出贡献,并祝愿他在新的岗位继续发挥更多的才能。 江艳女士将接任时尚运动品牌群 CEO,全面负责时尚运动品牌群的经营管理,继续推动 FILA 夯实“高端时尚运动品牌“的心智定位,实现品牌驱动的业务增长。江艳女士是集团长期培养的年轻梯队干部,拥有丰富的品牌管理经验,曾先后操盘 ANTA KIDS FILA FUSION 的品牌管理工作,实现了两个品牌在细分市场的领先心智。她将领导 FILA 进一步拓展在年轻人群中的影响力,为消费者创造更多的价值。


国新创投基金启航 首期规模100亿元







美国证券交易委员会(SEC)当地时间1月17日在一份新闻稿中指出,先锋集团(The Vanguard Group, Inc.)将支付1.0641亿美元,以和解有关其对资本利得分配和税收影响的误导性陈述的指控,这些误导性陈述影响了在应纳税账户中持有先锋投资者目标退休基金(Investor TRFs)的零售投资者。和解金额将分配给受影响的投资者。(财联社)



2025年开年,公募基金行业迎来今年首次基金公司换帅。1月18日,兴银基金发布基金行业高级管理人员变更公告,公告显示,易勇新任兴银基金总经理,同时,董事长吴若曼不再代为履行总经理职务。 Wind数据显示,截至2024年9月30日,兴银基金旗下公募产品数量54只,公募管理规模为1067.32亿元。根据银河证券数据显示,近二年固收排名40/129,近三年排名32/119,近五年排名9/93,在权益方面,兴银基金近两年排名进入前10%(12/124)。(券商中国)

