CHS公司是一家农业综合企业,拥有横跨美国的农民,牧场主和合作社。多元化的能源,谷物和食品,CHS是帮助其客户,农民业主和其他利益相关者通过其国内和全球业务发展他们的业务。 CHS,一家财富100强公司,提供能源,作物营养,粮食购销服务,家畜饲料,食品和食品配料,随着业务的解决方案,包括保险,金融和风险管理服务。
英文翻译:CHS is an agribusiness with farmers, ranchers and cooperatives across the United States. Diversified energy, grain and food, CHS is helping its customers, farmer owners and other stakeholders develop their businesses through their domestic and global businesses. CHS, a fortune 100 company, provides energy, crop nutrition, grain purchase and sale services, livestock feed, food and food ingredients, along with business solutions, including insurance, financial and risk management services. The company operates oil refineries, pipelines and production, markets and distributes cenex branded refined fuels, lubricants, propane and renewable energy products.