2019年1月,负责动画制作的TV动画《不吉波普不笑》播出。 4月,制作的电视动画《花牌情缘》第3期播出。4月2日,负责动画制作的TV动画《钻石王牌 actⅡ》开始播出。
总部地点:日本 东京都杉并区荻洼四 丁目30番16号。
英文翻译:Founded in 1972 in Japan, a Japanese animation production company, whose main business is animation related enterprise painting / production and copyright management madhouse. In October 1972, Maruyama Zhengxiong, Kawasaki, Lin taro, Kawasaki Shanzhao, etc. established "madhouse" under the business crisis of the company (old) "insect production company", and the first president was "Yasukuni". On July 3, 2018, the produced TV animation "management in the middle" was broadcast. In January 2019, the TV animation "Buji pop doesn't laugh" in charge of animation production was broadcast. In April, the third issue of the TV animation "love of cards" was broadcast. On April 2, the TV animation "Diamond ace Act II", which is responsible for animation production, began to broadcast. Madhouse is a Japanese animation production company, whose main business is animation related enterprise painting, production and copyright management. Time of establishment: October 17, 1972. Headquarters location: No. 16, 30, sidingmu, diwa District, tsugawa, Tokyo, Japan. Industry: animation studio. Products: enterprise drawing, production and copyright management of animation.