俄罗斯天然气工业开放式股份公司 (LSE:OGZD);俄语:ОАО Газпром,英语:Gazprom,简称“俄气”,有时音译为“盖茨普洛姆”,也是全世界较大的天然气开采企业,其前身是俄罗斯国家天然气康采恩。“俄气”为中欧、东欧和独联体各国提供所需的几乎全部天然气。
英文翻译:Russian open company of natural gas industry (LSE: ogzd); Russian: ОАОГазпром, English: Gazprom, abbreviated as "Russian gas", sometimes transliterated as "gatspulom", is also the largest natural gas mining enterprise in the world, its predecessor is Russian state natural gas Konzern. "Russian gas" supplies almost all the natural gas needed by central and Eastern Europe and the CIS countries. On November 5, 1992, Yeltsin, then president of Russia, ordered that it be reorganized into a joint stock company. On February 17, 1993, the Russian Council of Ministers adopted a special resolution to reorganize Russia's state natural gas Konzern into Russian natural gas industry Co., Ltd.