江苏新美星包装机械股份有限公司(Newamstar)是江苏省科技厅、江苏省财政厅、江苏省国税局与江苏省地税局联合认定的高新技术企业,也是国家火炬计划项目承担单位,国家发改委无菌灌装产业化项目实施单位,建有“江苏省企业技术中心” 等高规格,高水平研发平台。
长期以来,江苏新美星包装机械股份有限公司始终坚持 “创新驱动发展,品质赢得市场” 的理念,在饮料、乳品、酒类、调味品和日化品五大领域精耕细作,为全球用户提供水处理、前调配、吹瓶 、灌装、 二次包装、搬运机器人、智能立体仓库等成套智能装备及全面解决方案,实现着“中国装备 装备世界”的梦想。
江苏新美星包装机械股份有限公司可以为用户提供智能工厂集成项目的规划设计与实施应用, 从产品配方工艺支持、产品瓶型的三维设计到用户工厂的整体方案规划,从核心装备的研发设计、软件平台的定制开发再到工程项目的全生命周期服务,与时俱进,开拓创新。
江苏新美星包装机械股份有限公司拥有300多名专业技术人员以及占地面积超过15万平方米的两大研发及制造工厂。涵盖机械、工艺、自控三大领域, 且配备饮料包装机械行业内唯一的微生物实验室,江苏新美星包装机械股份有限公司已服务于可口可乐 、百事可乐、达能 、雀巢、伊利、娃哈哈、达利园、东鹏、康师傅、椰树集团、怡宝、景田、农夫山泉、中粮、海天、鲁花、恒顺、东古、联合利华、纳爱斯、大冢制药等国内外著名品牌,2800多条生产线遍布全球100多个国家和地区。近年来, 企业共在国内外申请各类专利1400多项, 其中发明专利400多项,特别是在德国、法国等产品制造国申请国际专利27项,在美国、印尼等33个国家获得了商标核准注册。作为国家级高新技术企业,江苏新美星包装机械股份有限公司的先进技术和产品享誉业界,持续领先。
当下,中国走进了新时代,中国制造走进了新时代。面对液态产品绿色化、网络化、智能化生产的新需求,江苏新美星包装机械股份有限公司把握新机遇,实施新战略,依托多年来在饮料包装行业丰富的技术创新和工程实践经验,在高速吹灌旋一体机技术广泛应用的市场基础上,加大产品升级力度, 赋予产品更多智能内涵,帮助客户加强对生产过程的实时监测和管理, 帮助客户建设务实、高效、智能的包装生产线,保障饮料产品健康和品质安全, 助力客户企业持续发展。
Newamstar is a joint-stock listed company (stock code 300509) focusing on integrated solutions for smart factories of liquid products. It is committed to providing comprehensive contracting services for smart factories with production and storage integrated solutions.
Since its founding, Newamstar, under the concept of “Driving development through innovation and winning the market with quality”, has been providing global customers in the five fields of beverages, dairy , liquors, condiments and daily chemicals with complete sets of intelligent equipment and comprehensive solutions for water treatment, pre-distribution, blowing, filling, secondary packaging, handling robots, etc.
Newamstar can provide users with planning, designing and implementation of smart factory integration projects. From product recipe, three-dimensional bottle design to factory overall planning, and from key equipment R&D, software platform customization & development to full life cycle service of engineering projects, we keep pace with the times, pioneer and innovate. Newamstar has served Coke, Danone, Nestle, Otsuka, Wahaha, Dali, C’estbon, Ganten, Nongfu Spring, COFCO, Haday, Luhua, Hengshun, Nice and other famous brands at home and abroad.
It has more than 2,300 production lines in over 100 countries and regions around the world, and realize the dream of "Made in China, Made for World".
By adhering to high-end positioning, technological innovation, forward-looking layout, its advanced technologies, and such as aseptic cold filling technology, ozone-free mineral water production technology, 108,000BPH blowing-filling-capping combiblock, 8-20L large-bottle blowing-filling-capping combiblock, smart factory management system, and intelligent warehouse have gotten a well-deserved reputation in the industry and will continue to lead the industry. At the same time, by improving the level of digitization, networking, and intelligence, it provides solid and reliable protection for high-end smart manufacturing, as well as forward-looking management, full lifecycle management, and improved industrial manufacturing efficiency through big data analysis, synchronizing with the 4.0 era.
Under the guide of the “Made in China 2025” plan, Newamstar will continue to enhance its design creativity, product quality, and brand reputation to become a widely respected global leading supplier of liquid packaging solutions.
本文链接: https://www.waitui.com/brand/8c8194f24.html 联系电话:0512-58693918