1772年,菲力普·凯歌(Philippe Clicquot)以“凯歌”为名创立酿酒厂,沿着“打破所有壁垒”这一清晰宏伟的目标阔步前行。
1780年,他进军欧洲和俄罗斯,1782年进入美国市场。1798年,他的儿子、肩负家族事业的弗朗索瓦·凯歌(François Clicquot)与芭比•彭萨丁(Barbe Ponsardin)喜结良缘。七年后,弗朗索瓦·凯歌不幸去世,年仅27岁的遗孀凯歌夫人接管家族事业。经过几十年的发展,凯歌夫人将香槟源源不断地销往世界各地。她不断完善酿制工艺,发明香槟除渣“转瓶桌”,并创造性地酿制出了粉红香槟。1877年,在凯歌夫人树立的创意和创新理念驱动下,凯歌香槟在酒瓶上贴上黄色酒标,象征品牌的与众不同、一眼便识。
2013年2月,Veuve Clicquot酒业与Joël Robuchon餐厅正式展开合作,双方将各自领域的精湛技艺完美融合,并开始对品质与创新的共同追求。被行业同仁推选为“世纪大厨”的Joël Robuchon如今将自己炮制的经典菜肴与Veuve Clicquot细腻可口的橘黄色香槟巧妙搭配。无论是Marc酒店内的品酒厅,还是酒庄的私密迎宾室,又亦或Robuchon遍布全球的酒坊及餐厅,无一不在竭力彰显着法式“生活艺术”的无穷魅力:大厨精心烹制的经典美味与Veuve Clicquot葡萄佳酿的优雅质感契合得天衣无缝。
英文翻译:Mo Yue Hennessy Diageo wine (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., veuveclicquot Kaige, top ten brands of champagne, started in 1772. Under the French LVMH group, the world's largest champagne manufacturer, comet pattern as the logo of its first-class wine, the brand loved by royalty and celebrities was founded in 1772 by Philippe Clicquot in the name of "Kaige" Winery, along the "break all barriers" this clear and grand goal to stride forward. In 1780, he entered Europe and Russia, and in 1782, he entered the American market. In 1798, his son, Fran ç OIS Clicquot, who had a family career, married Barbie Ponsardin. Seven years later, Fran ç OIS cage died, and Mrs. cage, a 27 year old widow, took over the family business. After decades of development, lady Kaige has been selling champagne all over the world. She constantly improved the brewing process, invented the "rotating bottle table" for removing the residue of champagne, and creatively brewed pink champagne. In 1877, driven by the creativity and innovation idea set up by Mrs. Kaige, Kaige champagne pasted a yellow wine label on the bottle, which symbolized the difference of the brand. In February 2013, veuveclicquot wine industry and Jo ë L Robuchon restaurant officially launched cooperation, and both sides perfectly integrated their respective fields of superb skills, and began to pursue common quality and innovation. Jo ë L Robuchon, who was chosen as "century Chef" by his colleagues in the industry, now skillfully matches his classic dishes with the delicate and delicious orange champagne of veuveclicquot. Whether it's the tasting room of Marc Hotel, the private reception room of the winery, or the winery and restaurant of Robuchon all over the world, all of them strive to show the infinite charm of French "art of life": the classic delicacy cooked by the chef and the elegant texture of the veuveclicquot grape wine match seamlessly.
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