京都动画(公司全称: 株式会社京都アニメーション,英文:Kyoto Animation),是一家以动画的企划、制作以及动画制作相关的技术指导为主要营业事项的日本企业。
京都动画昵称为 京アニ (京阿尼)。公司成立于1981年。1985年7月12日成为有限公司,并于1999年成为股份有限公司。 2003年开始独立制作动画。
英文翻译:Founded in 1981, a Japanese enterprise with animation planning / production / production technical guidance as its main business, has Kyoto animation (full name of the company: Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd., English: kyotoanimation), a Japanese enterprise with animation planning, production and animation related technical guidance as its main business. The nickname of Kyoto animation is kyungsu (kyungani). The company was founded in 1981. It became a limited company on July 12, 1985 and a joint stock limited company in 1999. In 2003, he began to make animation independently.