深圳岚锋创视网络科技有限公司(Arashi Vision Co.Ltd)由刘靖康及其团队创办于2014年。创立以来,Insta360 累计获融资过亿元,产品远销全球100多个国家和地区,每年营收成数倍级增长,成长为智能硬件领域的企业。创立至今,Insta360 产品市场占有率较高,覆盖全球1500多家门店,连锁零售150多家,全球合作代理商70多家,如北美较大电子消费品贸易商ASI、日本Soft Bank、瑞士Alltron、中国顺电等。2018年3月,Insta360 正式入驻苹果全球直营店及苹果官方网站进行展示和销售。
与此同时,Insta360 品牌影响力与好感度也在不断提升,受到诸多重量级国际品牌的青睐。
Insta360 拥有平等、开放的企业文化,给予每一位员工充分自由去实现革命性创新想法。公司拥有国际化视野及人才战略,目前员工 200+ 人,研发人员占比近 60%。团队众多成员来自帝国理工大学、加州大学伯克利分校、宾夕法尼亚大学、清华、北大、复旦大学、南京大学等名校,也有来自美、英、德、加拿大、俄罗斯等国际型人才。
Insta360 始终以“诚信、认真、勇敢”为核心价值观,以“帮助人们更好的记录和分享生活”为品牌愿景,为用户提供优质的服务。
英文翻译:Shenzhen arashivisionco.ltd, an enterprise specializing in network technology research and development / computer software and hardware technology development and sales / database management / online information consulting / online business activities, was founded in 2014 by Liu Jingkang and his team. Since its establishment, insta360 has obtained financing of more than 100 million yuan. Its products have been exported to more than 100 countries and regions around the world, and its annual revenue has increased several times, growing into an enterprise in the field of intelligent hardware. Since its establishment, insta360 products have a high market share, covering more than 1500 stores around the world, more than 150 chain retail stores, and more than 70 global cooperative agents, such as ASI, Japan Softbank, Switzerland alltron, China Shundian, etc. In March 2018, insta360 officially entered Apple's global direct stores and Apple's official website for display and sales. At the same time, insta360's brand influence and likability are also constantly improving, and it is favored by many heavyweight international brands. Insta360 has an equal and open corporate culture, which gives every employee full freedom to realize revolutionary and innovative ideas. The company has an international vision and talent strategy, with 200 + employees and nearly 60% of R & D personnel. Many members of the team come from Imperial University of technology, University of California, Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, Tsinghua, Peking University, Fudan University, Nanjing University and other famous universities, as well as international talents from the United States, Britain, Germany, Canada, Russia and other countries. Insta360 always takes "integrity, seriousness and courage" as its core values, and "helping people better record and share their lives" as its brand vision to provide users with high-quality services.