皇家哥本哈根手绘名瓷ROYAL COPENHAGEN是全世界古老的公司之一,于公元1775年由丹麦皇太后茱莉安‧玛莉批准赞助下成立,『只制造真正的精品』为瓷厂始创之宗旨,两百多年来我们的产品依然遵循传统,和较高标准的工艺水准制作,每件来自皇家哥本哈根的商品即代表品牌高水准的质地与精湛工艺技术。
英文翻译:Royal Copenhagen hand-painted famous porcelain royalcopenhagen is one of the oldest companies in the world. It was founded in 1775 with the approval of Queen Mother Julian Mary of Denmark. The purpose of the porcelain factory is to "only make real boutique products". Our products are still made in accordance with the tradition and high standard of technology for more than 200 years. Every product from Royal Copenhagen is a representative Table brand high-level texture and superb technology. Up to now, the fine dining porcelain and table decorations produced by traditional crafts are still maintained. Today, Royal Copenhagen represents a high-level brand, famous for its high-quality porcelain products and unique design. Each Royal Copenhagen work represents Denmark's artistic heritage and exquisite national treasure craft, which is worth inheriting forever. The above porcelain clay was fired twice at high temperature. The craftsmen in Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Factory still adhere to the craft tradition and infuse their love into the exquisite products they made. Each hand-painted product is painted by the painter himself, with a stroke of up to a thousand strokes. The high-quality products in life are the products of human civilization. The high-quality life value given by exquisite and beautiful vessels will never be forgotten by time. Since 1775, with the development of history, Royal Copenhagen hand-painted famous porcelain can enjoy the beauty and warm feeling of hand-painted on the table of daily life. Royal Copenhagen hand-painted porcelain is famous for representing the blue and white porcelain of Denmark all over the world. Up to now, it continues to produce classic blue and white porcelain, both of which are made by hand. Many different new product series have been created to continuously create the success of the brand. In the modern home space, Royal Copenhagen Porcelain is worth owning and yearning, but also a symbol of focusing on the quality of life and new style.