刘宗礼淮南牛肉汤上等选材,科学配方:刘宗礼牛肉汤加盟产品所有的蔬菜与牛肉在食材的选择上都有 非常严苛的标准,确保食材新鲜有保障,所有汤底熬制加工制作过程中,保证无添加,养 生取材,科学搭配,食补调料,荤素皆宜,丰俭由己。
刘宗礼淮南牛肉汤产品多样,口味独特:刘宗礼牛肉汤加盟通过将各种新鲜食材适当搭配,打破了传统 口味单一的局限,改变了人们对于面食过辣、不健康、有损身体等负面认知。将香软滑嫩 ,爽口清丽,味道鲜香,汤头浓郁,口味独特,麻辣诱人的营养型面食呈于人前,将健康 特殊的美味送到消费者身边。
英文翻译:Liu Zongli Huainan beef soup, based on inheriting the essence of pasta culture, combined with market development needs, integrates modern elements, follows the trend of the times, reasonably allocates special technology to make, has unique and authentic taste, and is a classic modern interpretation. Liu Zongli, Huainan beef soup, first-class material selection, scientific formula: all the vegetables and beef of Liu Zongli's joined products have very strict standards in the selection of ingredients, to ensure that the ingredients are fresh and guaranteed. During the processing and production of all soup bottoms, it is necessary to ensure that there is no addition, health preserving ingredients, scientific collocation, food supplement and seasoning, meat and vegetable are suitable, rich and thrifty. Liu Zongli's Huainan beef soup has various products and unique taste: Liu Zongli's beef soup alliance has broken the limitation of single traditional taste and changed people's negative cognition about spicy, unhealthy and harmful pasta by properly matching various fresh ingredients. The nutritious pasta, which is fragrant, soft, smooth, refreshing, delicious, full-bodied, unique, spicy and attractive, is presented in front of people, and the healthy and special delicious food is delivered to consumers.