成都微家网络科技有限公司是在上海股交所挂 牌的移动互联网高科技企业,股票代码号202278,旗下有微家生活馆连锁超市、国学在线教育、微家生活网络商城三大主业。涉及移动互联网背景下三个领 域:超市转型升级、品牌打造、移动营销落地实操;传统文化在线教育传播、国学书院紧密联盟合作;农产直供产品渠道嫁接、产品通路策划、品牌营销落地;在全 国现拥有10个城市分公司。
我们提供统一的运营品牌,不改动您原来的店招和产品布局,我们为您铺货,卖出产品赚到钱,你再付给我们货款,我们提供产品配送,您不需要为进货奔走。 每月一次免费培训,学习系统操作、服务礼仪、营销技巧以及门店管理知识。
英文翻译:Chengdu Weijia Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a mobile Internet high-tech enterprise listed on Shanghai stock exchange with stock code No. 202278. It has three main businesses, namely, Weijia life Museum chain supermarket, Sinology online education and Weijia life network mall. It involves three fields under the background of mobile Internet: supermarket transformation and upgrading, brand building, and mobile marketing practice; online education and communication of traditional culture, close alliance and cooperation of Chinese Academy of Sciences; channel grafting of agricultural direct supply products, product channel planning, and brand marketing implementation; now it has 10 city branches in the whole country. Brand system: do you need a strong brand to get rid of the competition situation of fighting alone? I don't know how to build store recruitment, how to attract customers, how to retain customers, how to plan activities, how to use mobile Internet to open sales for myself. Do you worry about purchasing and inventory? I don't know what is the best and easiest product to make money. I'm afraid that too much purchasing will lead to long inventory time. Whether our service is suitable for you and us to provide a unified operation brand, without changing your original store recruitment and product layout, we shop for you, sell products to earn money, you pay us the payment, we provide product distribution, you do not need to go for purchase. Once a month free training, learn system operation, service etiquette, marketing skills and store management knowledge.