Achmea是荷兰较大的金融服务(主要是保险)供应商之一,总部设在荷兰。Achmea是1995年1月1日Zilveren Kruis和Avéro Centraal Beheer Groep (AVCB)之间的一个合并结果。但achmea的成立,可以追溯到1811年。弗里西亚会计师Ulbe Piers Draisma,在阿赫勒姆创建“品牌社会onderlinge assurantieëteit(阿赫勒姆)”,荷兰弗里西亚。2000年,Achmea成为Eureko BV的一部分,其中2011年与荷兰母公司合并Achmea N.V. 形成Achmea B.V. 选票结果Vereniging achmea(协会)拥有或控制63.3% Achmea B.V. 的股份,荷兰的银行拉博银行拥有或控制31.3%的股份,的股份,其他5.4%股份由战略合作伙伴拥有或控制。
英文翻译:Achmea is one of the largest providers of financial services (mainly insurance) in the Netherlands, headquartered in the Netherlands. Achmea is a result of a merger between zilveren Kruis and AV é ro central beheer groep (avcb) on January 1, 1995. However, the establishment of Achmea can be traced back to 1811. ULBe piers draisma, a Frisian accountant, founded the "brand society onderlingeassurantie ë teit" in ahlem, the Netherlands. In 2000, Achmea became a part of eurekobv, among which Achmea B.V. was merged with the Dutch parent company achmean.v. in 2011. As a result, verenigagachmea (Association) owns or controls 63.3% of achmeab. V., Rabobank, a Dutch bank, owns or controls 31.3% of shares, and 5.4% of shares are owned or controlled by strategic partners. Achmea is active in seven countries, concentrated in Europe and Australia. Achmea is a successful insurance brand, mainly active in 7 countries. The brand is managed by operating companies. Each operating company will have a deep understanding of the local market and target audience, and focus on customers. In addition, Achmea provides activities to promote the exchange of skills and experiences.