南昌天泉水都俱乐部(原南昌东湖游泳馆)集健身、休闲、商务为一体的水中疗养馆,南昌天泉水都拥有10000平方米的营业面积,提供100多个停车位,天泉水都馆内挑高达9米,环境舒适优雅。南昌天泉水都场馆内终年保持恒温及不间断的水循环,单池3-4小时完成一个水循环,环境更清新,水质更清洁。南昌天泉水都设有50米、25米长的专业泳道、水疗SPA池、中药泡汤池,三温暖功能房、儿童池等设施区,并设有VIP包厢、餐厅、休息区等配套,可同时容纳近千人使用,让您随心所欲,尽展身躯,放松身心 。
英文翻译:Nanchang Tianquan Water City Club (formerly Nanchang East Lake natatorium) is a water sanitarium integrating fitness, leisure and business. Nanchang Tianquan water city has a business area of 10000 square meters, providing more than 100 parking spaces. The Tianquan Water City Museum has a height of 9 meters, and the environment is comfortable and elegant. In Nanchang Tianquan water capital venue, constant temperature and uninterrupted water circulation will be maintained throughout the year. A single pool will complete a water circulation in 3-4 hours, making the environment cleaner and the water cleaner. Nanchang Tianquan water has 50m and 25m long professional swimlanes, spa pools, Chinese medicine soup pools, three warm function rooms, children's pools and other facilities, as well as VIP boxes, restaurants, rest areas and other supporting facilities, which can accommodate nearly a thousand people at the same time, so that you can do whatever you want, show your body and relax your body and mind.