品牌名称 MARMOCER 源于西班牙语, “MARMO” 意为“大理石”,“CER” 意为“瓷砖”,合二为一巧妙诠释产品本质——由天然大理石与瓷砖精工复合而成。
品牌创立至今已开创多项行业先河:在土耳其拥有20座自有矿山,石材来源稳定且丰富;引进一条意大利全自动生产线;首创八大风格系列,提供贴心的产品选择;首创 D+B (DESIGN + BRAND) 大师合作设计模式,持续创造美好家居空间;实行全国终端统一零售价,成就透明放心的价格环境;以“互联网+”理念构建服务与用户体验体系,切实为客户提供舒适的选购之旅。米洛西·精工大理石是全球精工大理石领域的绝对性品牌。
英文翻译:Milosey Seiko marble is a global Seiko marble industry. Since its establishment in 2004, milosey Seiko marble has always guided the industry to explore the environmental protection of Seiko marble, and from the standpoint of users, to provide a suitable overall solution of marble application space for modern human settlements. The brand name marmocer comes from Spanish, "marmo" means "marble" and "cer" means "ceramic tile". It cleverly explains the essence of the product by combining natural marble and ceramic tile Seiko. Since the establishment of the brand, it has created a number of industry pioneers: 20 self owned mines in Turkey, with stable and rich stone sources; introduced an Italian full-automatic production line; pioneered eight style series, providing intimate product choices; pioneered D + B (Design + brand) Master cooperation design mode, and continued to create a better home space; implemented the unified retail price of national terminals, achieving transparent display The price environment of the heart; the service and user experience system based on the concept of "Internet plus", and provide a comfortable shopping trip for the customers. Milosi Seiko marble is an absolute brand in the field of global Seiko marble.