干邑威利来(Rastignac)产自法国干邑(COGNAC)地区的Château des Plassons酒庄。该酒庄由传教士Aubeterre在16世纪建造。之后酒庄多次易主,2008年,出生在法国夏朗德地区的David Pannaud和Julien Pannaud兄弟收购了酒庄,酒庄自此由Pannaud家族拥有,兄弟二人继承家族传统生产葡萄酒和干邑。
干邑威利来(Rastignac)是Château des Plassons酒庄推出的自有干邑品牌。值得一提的是,干邑威利来(Rastignac)除了拥有干邑(COGNAC)好的葡萄原料和传统的酿酒方式外,从葡萄采摘、蒸馏、在橡木桶内酝酿至入瓶都在酒庄内进行,保留干邑的传统品味。
干邑威利来(Rastignac)先推欧美市场,获得极好评价,2012年、2013年试水港澳市场,风生水起。2014年,中国内地巨大的洋酒市场成为干邑威利来(Rastignac)的下一个目标。2014年,干邑威利来(Rastignac)正式进入中国内地市场,珠海市派龙酒业有限公司是其中国地区总代理。酒庄的主人Julien Pannaud说:“我们认为集中注意力于中国是很重要的,因为中国是一个消费大国。”
英文翻译:Rastignac is produced in Ch? Teaudeplassons winery in Cognac region of France. The winery was built in the 16th century by aubeterre, a missionary. Since then, the winery has changed ownership for many times. In 2008, David pannaud and julienpannaud brothers, who were born in the charlander region of France, bought the winery. The winery has been owned by the pannaud family since then. The two brothers inherited the family's traditional production of wine and cognac. Rastignac is a private cognac brand launched by Ch â teaudeplassons. It is worth mentioning that in addition to the good grape raw materials and traditional wine making methods of cognac, Rastignac carries out grape picking, distilling, brewing in oak barrels and bottling in the winery to retain the traditional taste of cognac. Rastignac first pushed the European and American markets, and got excellent evaluation. In 2012 and 2013, it tested the Hong Kong and Macao markets, creating a strong momentum. In 2014, the huge foreign wine market in mainland China became the next target of Rastignac. In 2014, Rastignac officially entered the Chinese mainland market, and Zhuhai pelong Wine Co., Ltd. is its general agent in China. "We think it's important to focus on China because it's a big consumer," said Julien bannaud, owner of the winery