我要投票 CP芝加哥气动在气动工具行业中的票数:107
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2025-03-12 19:21:45 星期三




John W. Duntley 萌生了采购和销售“市场上未提供的”建筑工具的想法。

1894 年,他成立了 芝加哥气动工具公司,办公室设在芝加哥。密苏里州圣路易斯的 Boyer 机械工厂是较早开始生产CP产品的工厂。

1901 年,Duntley 和钢铁巨头 Charles M. Schwab 会面,说服了 Charles M. Schwab 在该公司投入巨资。12 月 28 日公司注册成立并且单阀启动锤获得专利。

1904年,芝加哥气动 进行了业务扩张。它分别在英国、加拿大和德国设立了办公室;并研制了一系列的新产品,如气动工具和凿岩机。

1912 年,芝加哥气动 开始生产卧式二冲程半柴油发动机,为 芝加哥气动 压缩机提供动力。一年后,芝加哥气动 最终生产出了环片阀,该阀门无需阀动装置,可实现快捷控制并提高产能。

1925 年,芝加哥气动 制造出 Benz 柴油机,广泛用于当时欧洲的各类赛车中。同年,芝加哥气动 开始生产旋转式油井钻探设备。

1939 年,芝加哥气动 设计并制造出冲击扳手(分为气动和电动两种机型)。为了满足战时需求,芝加哥气动开发了“热压波纹机”,这种设备将铆钉加热到 1000°F 并使用 100000 磅/平方英寸的压力将铆钉头压制成最终形状。


芝加哥气动钻头达到近 20000 英尺的创纪录深度,并用于石油勘探作业中。用于飞机铆钉的移动式拉刀夹头于 1957 推出。芝加哥气动电动马达在美国阿波罗登月太空任务中发挥了巨大的作用。它为一个泵提供动力,太空舱于 1969 年 7 月 24 日落在太平洋后,该泵使舱上的三个包膨胀。这些包保障了安全舱口位于最上面,使宇航员可以安全打开安全舱口。1969 年,芝加哥气动在福特汽车公司推出了速度棘轮 “CP728”。

1970 年,CP611 冲击扳手用于世贸中心(纽约市)的钢材装配阶段。

芝加哥气动扭矩冲击扳手在工业市场销售数年后,1970 年引入汽车市场。

1987 年,芝加哥气动成为瑞典大型联合企业阿特拉斯·科普柯的子公司。

1988 年推出的新产品比 70 年代末期任何时候都要多,如螺丝刀、装配工具和新棘轮扳手。第二年,设计并采用了当前的徽标。

1990 年,芝加哥气动因“23 个零件”的广告宣传活动获得了 AMA 银奖。

广告展示了仅使用 23 个可互换的组件部件如何组装出 250 余个轻型装配工具。1994 年,公司开始生产压实机和移动式发电机。

2007 年,公司的新技术中心在法国南特落成。

2010 年,采用突出品牌颜色 — 红色和黑色 — 的新型全球设计。

英文翻译:John W. duntley came up with the idea of purchasing and selling "construction tools that are not available in the market.". In 1894, he founded the Chicago pneumatic tools company with its office in Chicago. Boyer's mechanical plant in St. Louis, Missouri, was the first to produce CP products. In 1901, duntley met with steel giant Charles M. Schwab and persuaded him to invest heavily in the company. On December 28, the company was registered and established, and the single valve starting hammer was patented. In 1904, Chicago pneumatic expanded its business. It has offices in the UK, Canada and Germany respectively, and has developed a series of new products, such as pneumatic tools and rock drills. In 1912, Chicago pneumatic began to produce horizontal two-stroke half diesel engine to provide power for Chicago pneumatic compressor. A year later, Chicago pneumatic finally produced the ring valve. The valve does not need the valve actuator, so it can achieve quick control and increase production capacity. In 1925, Chicago pneumatically manufactured Benz diesel engine, which was widely used in all kinds of racing cars in Europe at that time. In the same year, Chicago pneumatic began to produce rotary well drilling equipment. In 1939, Chicago pneumatic design and manufacture of impact wrench (divided into pneumatic and electric two models). To meet wartime needs, Chicago pneumatically developed a "hot press corrugator," which heats rivets to 1000 ° F and uses 100000 psi of pressure to press the heads into final shapes. The 1950s and 1960s were the period of performance study. The Chicago pneumatic bit reached a record depth of nearly 20000 feet and was used in oil exploration operations. The mobile broach chuck for aircraft rivets was launched in 1957. The pneumatic electric motor of Chicago has played an important role in the Apollo mission. It powers a pump that inflates three of the capsule's bags after sunset in the Pacific Ocean on July 24, 1969. These bags ensure that the safety hatch is at the top, allowing astronauts to open it safely. In 1969, Chicago pneumatic introduced speed ratchet "cp728" in Ford Motor Company. In 1970, cp611 impact wrench was used in the steel assembly stage of the World Trade Center (New York City). After several years of sales in the industrial market, Chicago pneumatic torque impact wrench was introduced into the automobile market in 1970. In 1987, Chicago pneumatic became a subsidiary of Atlas Copco, a large Swedish joint venture. More new products were introduced in 1988 than at any time in the late 1970s, such as screwdrivers, assembly tools and new ratchet wrenches. The next year, the current logo was designed and adopted. In 1990, the advertising campaign of "23 parts" of Chicago gas motivation won the AMA Silver Award. The ad shows how to assemble more than 250 light assembly tools using only 23 interchangeable components. In 1994, the company began to produce compactors and mobile generators. In 2007, the company's new technology center was established in Nantes, France. In 2010, a new global design highlighting brand colors - red and black - was adopted.

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