“龙驹”陶瓷是由广东省佛山市新东龙陶瓷有限公司荣誉出品。公司原属属某大型集团属下陶瓷企业,1998 年转型重组并更名为佛山石湾东龙陶瓷有限公司,2006 年公司加大产值和厂房搬迁,重新组合成佛山市新东龙陶瓷有限公司。历经了十余载的市场调整及产品研发与创新,公司从原来专业生产外墙砖到增加生产仿古砖,地板砖(黑砖),泳池砖及特殊用途装饰砖,现已是一家集科研,生产,服务于一体的现代化大型建陶企业。
公司作为国内较大型外墙砖生产基地之一厂房面积超过。 40 万平方米,拥有数千名专业人员及生产人员;采用陶瓷生产设备,日产量可达 60000 平方米以上,能为多个大型楼盘提供足够优质产品。
英文翻译:Longju ceramics is produced by Foshan new Donglong Ceramics Co., Ltd. The company was originally a ceramic enterprise under a large group. In 1998, it was restructured and renamed as Foshan Shiwan Donglong Ceramics Co., Ltd. in 2006, the company increased its output value and plant relocation, and recombined into Foshan new Donglong Ceramics Co., Ltd. After more than ten years of market adjustment and product R & D and innovation, the company has grown from specializing in the production of exterior wall bricks to increasing the production of antique bricks, floor bricks (black bricks), pool bricks and special purpose decorative bricks. Now it is a modern large-scale ceramic construction enterprise integrating scientific research, production and service. "Longju" ceramic exterior wall tiles are divided into porcelain glazed tiles series, rock splitting tiles series, etc.; and provide such as floor tiles (black tiles) series, antique tiles series, swimming pool tiles and special purpose decorative tiles series, etc. in addition to the above conventional products, it can also be customized production according to the requirements of customers. As one of the larger production bases of exterior wall brick in China, the plant area of the company exceeds. 400000 square meters, with thousands of professionals and production personnel; using ceramic production equipment, the daily output can reach more than 60000 square meters, which can provide enough high-quality products for many large-scale buildings.