华裔Jenny,开创 香港“珍妮曲奇Jenny Bakery”小熊饼干。Jenny做曲奇只是兴趣。2005年,无心插柳在香港赤柱开了间曲奇饼店,店名以Jenny名字命名,英文“Jenny Bakery”,中文译为“珍妮曲奇”。Jenny喜欢收藏泰迪熊,罐子就特以小熊为图案,别称“聪明小熊饼干”。开店之初,逢星期三,Jenny亲自送货。聪明小熊饼干零宣传,靠口碑壹传十,十传百做起来。历经十多年,经典不衰,一盒难求常见排队长龙,香港奇景。
英文翻译:In 2005, it began in Stanley, and Jenny, the founder, insisted on all products made in Hong Kong, focusing on smart bear biscuits, nougat and Nanzao cake and other candy series of Chinese origin Jenny, and created "Jenny bakery" bear biscuits in Hong Kong. Jenny is just interested in making cookies. In 2005, inadvertently opened a cookie shop in Stanley, Hong Kong. The name of the shop is Jenny bakery in English and Jenny cookie in Chinese. Jenny likes to collect teddy bears. The jar is specially designed with the little bear as the pattern, which is also called "smart little bear biscuit". At the beginning of the store, Jenny delivered the goods in person every Wednesday. Smart bear biscuit zero publicity, relying on word-of-mouth one pass ten, ten pass hundred to do. After more than ten years, the classic is not declining. It's hard to find a box of long queues. It's a wonder of Hong Kong. All products of janecookie bear biscuit Co., Ltd. are made in Hong Kong. The authorized importer and general distributor in mainland China is [Shenzhen Qianhai smart bear biscuit Co., Ltd.]. The labels of products sold in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Mainland China are slightly different, but the same products have the same anti-counterfeiting bar code.