爱丁顿洋酒(上海)有限公司,Macallan麦卡伦,爱丁顿集团旗下,威士忌十大品牌,创于1824年苏格兰,国际奢侈威士忌品牌,有 单一纯麦威士忌酒中的劳斯莱斯 的美誉
让时光回溯到1842年,当时MACALLAN已是苏格兰第一代具有合法牌照的酿酒厂;而光阴流淌至今,MACALLAN在其灵感源泉——Easter Elchies House的守护之下,独步古今,正走向更灿烂的未来。 MACALLAN(麦卡伦纯麦苏格兰威士忌)的经典传承不只局限于外在,在时间的长河中历久不变的还有其酿酒过程,及其作为“拥有180年历史,世界珍贵的威士忌”所具备的珍贵与奢华的品质。 您只需轻呷一口,即可完全领略何以MACALLAN被誉为“单一纯麦威士忌的典范,其他酿酒商所必须跟随的标准。” MACALLAN酿制之旅的起点要追溯到遥远的西班牙北部。在西班牙卡迪斯省(Cadiz)的猛烈阳光之下,橡木桶的外壁被熊熊火焰包围,从而令木质转变为MACALLAN佳酿赖以酝酿成熟所必备的木质。 而在西班牙赫瑞兹(Jerez)省葡萄园,农家正收割葡萄,将满载酵素的葡萄汁灌入簇新的橡木桶。短短数月之后,珍贵的陈年雪梨酒将被转入橡木桶并陈封酝酿3年,之后才真正成为MACALLAN雪梨橡木桶。
MACALLAN都采用古老珍贵麦种Golden Promise 大麦,其高昂种植成本令其他酿酒商闻之却步,唯MACALLAN坚信它才可使酿出的威士忌口感醇和,香氛浓郁。 同时,每一个发酵过程均混入新鲜的酵母,以增添威士忌的复杂性及个性。而MACALLAN在蒸馏过程之中只撷取一小部分的原液,这便是令单一纯麦威士忌保持浓郁饱和气味的“酒心”。 之后,MACALLAN经验丰富的酿酒师细心观察着每个正“沉睡着”的橡木桶,准备选择时机,让每个橡木桶在颠峰成熟期时入瓶“被唤醒”。由于MACALLAN绝不添加人工原料,其浓郁醇厚的色调由雪梨木桶轻渗而来,这并非次级的单一纯麦威士忌可比。 MACALLAN推出的全新包装系列有12年佳酿、18年佳酿、25年佳酿及30年佳酿等年份酒;而其18年佳酿,芳香醇厚,饱含丰富的干果、香料、丁香、香橙与熏木味。 作为世界珍贵的威士忌,MACALLAN多年来几乎在全球各个角落都赢得歌颂与赞美。
除了奖项所带来的赞誉,MACALLAN还受到众多名人与公众人物的嘉许。演员Emma Thompson等都曾表示MACALLAN是其钟爱的威士忌。而Clement Freud与Kingsley Amis爵士等社会名流亦对MACALLAN宠爱有加。 同时,众多威士忌评酒家,如Malt Whisky Companion 500 与Years of Scotch Whisky的作者都十分赞赏MACALLAN的珍贵品质。 甚至,牛津大学圣三一学院院长Alan Milner也评价道,“对我来说,屹立于斯佩河畔之上顶峰的好酒质,定是泛着柔和的淡金色泽,气味略带些甜美,在混合少许泥炭的气息之中,轻轻渗着浓浓的麦和熏香。”这亦正是对MACALLAN纯麦威士忌的诠释
英文翻译:Founded in 1824 in Scotland, it is an international luxury whisky brand. It has the reputation of Rolls Royce in a single pure whisky. Founded in 1824, it is one of the early licensed distilleries in the Scottish Highlands. Its product brewing history has been After more than 300 years. Let's go back to 1842, when Macallan was the first legally licensed winery in Scotland; and now, under the protection of its source of inspiration, Eastern elchies house, Macallan is stepping into a more brilliant future. The classic inheritance of Macallan is not only limited to the external, but also its brewing process, as well as the precious and luxurious quality of "the world's precious whisky with a history of 180 years". With a sip, you can fully appreciate why Macallan is known as "the model of single pure malt whisky, which other brewers must follow." The Macallan brewing journey dates back to the far north of Spain. In the fierce sunshine of Cadiz, the outer walls of oak barrels are surrounded by flames, so that the wood is transformed into the wood necessary for the maturation of Macallan wine. In the vineyards of Jerez Province, farmers are harvesting grapes and pouring juice full of enzymes into new oak barrels. In just a few months, the precious aged Sydney wine will be transferred to oak barrel and aged for 3 years, and then it will become Macallan Sydney oak barrel. Macallan uses golden promise barley, an ancient and precious wheat variety. Its high planting cost makes other winemakers feel intimidated. Only Macallan firmly believes that it can make the whisky taste mellow and fragrant. At the same time, each fermentation process is mixed with fresh yeast to add complexity and personality to whisky. However, Macallan only extracts a small part of the original liquor in the distillation process, which is the "core" that keeps the single pure malt whisky full-bodied and saturated. After that, the experienced winemaker of Macallan carefully observed each "sleeping" oak barrel, and prepared to choose the right time to let each oak barrel "wake up" at the peak of maturity. Because Macallan does not add artificial materials, its rich and mellow color comes from the light infiltration of Sydney barrels, which is not comparable to the secondary single pure wheat whisky. The brand-new packaging series launched by Macallan includes 12-year vintage, 18-year vintage, 25-year vintage and 30-year vintage, while its 18-year vintage is full of fragrant and mellow, rich in dry fruits, spices, cloves, orange and smoked wood. As the world's precious whisky, Macallan has won praise and praise in almost every corner of the world for many years. In addition to the awards, Macallan has been recognized by many celebrities and public figures. Actor Emma Thompson and others have said Macallan is his favorite whiskey. Celebrities such as Clement Freud and Sir Kingsley Amis also love Macallan. At the same time, many whisky critics, such as malt whisky company 500 and years of Scotch whisky, appreciate the precious quality of Macallan. Even Alan Milner, Dean of St. Trinity College, Oxford University, commented, "for me, the good wine standing on the top of the Spey river must have a soft light golden color, a slightly sweet smell, and a little peat mixed with strong wheat and incense." This is the interpretation of Macallan
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