Vicky Zhang由伦敦圣马丁毕业的新锐设计师许馨尹注资1000万创办。
Vicky Zhang亲子品牌不只是一个亲子品牌,而是把你们孩子从2岁开始服务他们,他们的私人搭配师,到他们长大到结婚再到老。
从厦门个人专场时装秀,到重庆国际时装周,再到梅赛德斯·奔驰中国国际时装周,Vicky Zhang的作品总能给大家带来惊喜,一路喝彩和掌声不断。
英文翻译:Vicky Zhang was founded by Xu Xinyin, a new and cutting-edge designer graduated from St. Martin in London, who invested 10 million yuan. Vicky Zhang parent-child brand is not only a parent-child brand, but also your children's service from the age of 2, their personal matchmaker, until they grow up and get married. From Xiamen individual fashion show to Chongqing international fashion week to Mercedes Benz China International Fashion Week, Vicky Zhang's works always bring you surprises, cheers and applause all the way.