我要投票 深南电在电力行业中的票数:136
· 外 推 电 报 ·
2025-03-09 09:50:23 星期日


深南电是什么牌子?「深南电」是 深圳南山热电股份有限公司 旗下著名品牌。该品牌发源于广东省深圳市,由创始人李 * 威在1990年期间创立,经过多年的不懈努力和高速发展,现已成为行业的标杆品牌。


深圳南山热电股份有限公司(以下简称 公司 或 深南电 )成立于1990年4月,是以生产经营供电、供热,从事发电厂(站)的建设工程总承包、提供技术咨询和技术服务为主营业务的国有中外合资股份制企业。成立初期,虽然仅仅拥有3台单机容量为2.45万千瓦的小型燃机,但却为缓解当时深圳市电力紧缺的状况发挥了非常重要的作用。1993年11月,经深圳市人民政府批准,公司正式改组为股份有限公司并公开发行股票。1994年7月1日和11月28日,公司A、B股股票分别在深圳证券交易所上市。

公司前身深圳南山热电有限公司,1989年开始筹建,1993年11月始进行股份制改组,将部分净资产折股10300万股发起人股,1994年1月发行公众股1500万股,定向法人股300万股,内部职工股200万,1994年4月19日, 深圳南山热电股份有限公司 宣告成立。


与此同时,公司积极履行社会责任,投入巨资实施 热电联供 、 油改气 等节能环保技术改造,探索能源梯级综合利用项目,为地方环境保护事业做出了积极的贡献。

以鸿鹄之志搏击长空 。深南电将继续以电力产业为支柱,积极、稳妥地拓展与电力相关的业务领域,实现跨区域的发展;探索资产经营与资本经营并举、传统产业和高新技术结合以及上、中、下游一体化经营的现代企业经营模式,实现公司可持续发展战略。

英文翻译:Shenzhen Nanshan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company" or "Shennan power") was established in April 1990. It is a state-owned Sino foreign joint stock enterprise mainly engaged in production and operation of power supply and heating, general contracting of power plant (station) construction projects, providing technical consultation and technical services. At the beginning of its establishment, although it had only three small gas turbines with a single unit capacity of 24500 kW, it played a very important role in alleviating the power shortage in Shenzhen at that time. In November 1993, with the approval of Shenzhen Municipal People's government, the company was officially reorganized into a joint stock limited company and issued shares to the public. On July 1 and November 28, 1994, a and B shares of the company were listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Shenzhen Nanshan Thermal Power Co., Ltd., the predecessor of the company, started to be established in 1989. In November 1993, the company began to carry out joint-stock restructuring, converting part of its net assets into 103 million sponsor shares. In January 1994, it issued 15 million public shares, 3 million targeted corporate shares and 2 million internal employee shares. On April 19, 1994, Shenzhen Nanshan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. was announced to be established. After more than ten years of development, the company has developed from a gas turbine power plant with an investment of only US $7.8 million and an installed capacity of 75000 kilowatts in the past to a large gas turbine power plant with a total asset of more than 4.5 billion yuan, a net asset of nearly 1.7 billion yuan and a total installed capacity of 1.5 million kilowatts. It is one of the backbone enterprises in the energy and power industry of Shenzhen. Since its establishment, the company has supplied more than 20 billion kilowatt hours of power to Shenzhen City, paid more than 1 billion yuan of tax for the country, and is one of the largest law-abiding tax payers in Shenzhen city. Since its listing, the company has distributed more than 1.2 billion yuan of cash dividends to shareholders, creating satisfactory returns for shareholders. At the same time, the company actively fulfilled its social responsibility, invested heavily in the implementation of energy-saving and environmental protection technology transformation such as cogeneration, oil to gas, and explored energy cascade comprehensive utilization projects, making positive contributions to local environmental protection. Fight against the sky with great ambition. Shennan power will continue to take the electric power industry as the pillar, actively and steadily expand the business fields related to electric power, and realize the cross regional development; explore the modern enterprise business model of simultaneous development of asset management and capital management, combination of traditional industry and high and new technology, and integration of upstream, middle and downstream operation, and realize the sustainable development strategy of the company.

本文链接: https://www.waitui.com/brand/1ef3a54f3.html


7×24h 快讯


金沙中国有限公司发布公告,罗伯特‧戈德斯坦(Robert Glen Goldstein)已通知公司其将自2026年3月1日起辞任公司之主席兼非执行董事及提名委员会主席兼成员。自该日起,戈德斯坦将由公司控股股东Las Vegas Sands Corp.(LVS)之主席兼行政总裁一职过渡为LVS之高级顾问。戈德斯坦有意就彼之LVS高级顾问职务投放更多时间和精力,该职务将为其于LVS、其联属公司及附属公司的唯一职务。(界面新闻)






全国政协委员、上交所总经理蔡建春3月8日在接受证券时报记者采访时表示,上交所从融资端、投资端、交易端、服务端等多维度、多措并举与市场机构共同推进“三投资”理念(理性投资、价值投资和长期投资)落地。 蔡建春介绍,去年以来,上交所在践行“三投资”理念方面主要做了三方面工作,一是重新发布“三投资”理念的倡议,得到了行业机构的积极响应,460余家行业机构参与,较2021年首次发布倡议时的60多家行业机构参与相比,增长了约7倍。二是发挥优秀案例的示范引领作用,上交所协同上海资产管理协会组织资管行业机构发布优秀实践案例,营造“三投资”理念的氛围。三是制定《加强和改进机构投资者服务工作方案》,与行业机构加强互动交流,引导长期投资,形成稳定回报。(证券时报)







