我要投票 Sothebys苏富比在拍卖行行业中的票数:157
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2025-03-04 21:13:10 星期二





山姆.贝克先生 (Samuel Baker) 于1744年(即乾隆九年)在伦敦创办苏富比,并举行首场拍卖。自此,苏富比逐渐扩展,从拍卖书籍发展到拍卖各种各类的艺术品。

一战结束接近结束,苏富比的拍卖范畴已扩展至版画、勋章与钱币等不同类别。公司亦在1917年迁往举世闻名的伦敦新邦德街(New Bond Street),从此成为苏富比的伦敦总部。扎根在这条时尚的大街,宣告了苏富比新时代的来临,名画与其它艺术品的成交金额开始超越书籍和文献。拍卖多元化的经营宗旨是当时一项极重要的决策,为日后彼得威尔森先生(Peter Wilson)的领导及公司的发展,奠定深厚而良好的基础。目前苏富比于全球拥有超过100家办事处。

威尔森先生于1936年加入苏富比,上任后运筹帷幄,带领公司迈进国际舞台。在他任内影响深远的拍卖会,一定是1958年的高尔施米特(Goldschmidt)拍卖会。当时正值印象派与现代绘画热潮急速窜升,吸引到1,400个到场嘉宾;在短短廿一分钟内,卖出全部七幅作品,成交总金额高达78,100英镑。保罗美隆 (Paul Mellon)以22,000英镑夺得塞尚(Cézanne)的「穿红色背心的男孩」(Garçon au Gilet Rouge),成交价是当时纪录的五倍以上。


80年代初,尽管市场与企业面对着不明朗的景气,美国企业家艾福瑞陶伯曼先生(A. Alfred Taubman)与一群投资者于1983年收购苏富比。此后,一连串的重要拍卖,进一步奠定了苏富比的市场地位。充满戏剧性的拍卖过程、令人震撼的成交价,以至让世人趋之若鹜之珍藏品,都一一被写入历史。

1987年,于日内瓦湖畔举办的温莎公爵夫人(Duchess of Windsor)珠宝拍卖会,尤其震撼人心。当时现场气氛紧凑,除了亲临会场的社交名流外,还有以卫星从纽约传来的竞投、以及来自世界各地的电话竞投。这场精彩的拍卖录得高达5,000万美元之总成交,比拍卖前估价多于五倍以上。

在充满着可能性的 80年代后期,苏富比在纽约与伦敦拍卖的印象派与现代艺术作品,成交额已高达11亿美元。踏着一路成功的足迹,苏富比于1988年再度在纽约公开上市。

英文翻译:Founded in 1744 London, the world's leading international auction market for books and manuscripts, Sam Baker, an auction company with British literature research experts, founded Sotheby's in London in 1744 (the ninth year of Qianlong's reign) and held its first auction. Since then, Sotheby's has gradually expanded from auction of books to auction of various kinds of works of art. Close to the end of World War I, Sotheby's auction has been extended to print, medals, coins and other different categories. The company also moved to the world-famous New Bond Street in 1917, and has since become Sotheby's London headquarters. Rooted in this fashionable street, it announced the coming of the new era of Sotheby's. The turnover of famous paintings and other works of art began to exceed that of books and documents. The purpose of auction diversification was a very important decision at that time, which laid a solid and good foundation for the leadership of Peter Wilson and the development of the company in the future. At present, Sotheby's has more than 100 offices around the world. Mr. Wilson joined Sotheby's in 1936. After taking office, he planned to lead the company into the international arena. The most influential auction in his tenure must have been the 1958 Goldschmidt auction. At that time, the upsurge of Impressionism and modern painting was surging, attracting 1400 guests; in just 21 minutes, all seven works were sold, with a total turnover of £ 78100. Paul Mellon won C é zanne's Gar ç onau gilet Rouge for £ 22000, more than five times the price recorded at the time. Thanks to Mr. Wilson's unique vision, Sotheby's insight into the development potential of art market in the world is far ahead of its rivals. As you can see, Sotheby's New York office was established in 1955, and in 1964, Sotheby's acquisition of American Art auctioneer, Parker Bernet, played an important role in the booming North American Impressionist and modern famous painting market. In the early 1980s, American entrepreneur A. Alfred Taubman and a group of investors acquired Sotheby's in 1983, despite the uncertain market and enterprises. Since then, a series of important auctions have further established Sotheby's market position. The dramatic auction process, the shocking transaction price, and even the treasures that the world is eager for are all written into history. In 1987, the Duchess of Windsor jewelry auction on the shores of Lake Geneva was particularly impressive. At that time, the atmosphere was compact. In addition to the social celebrities who came to the venue in person, there were also bids from New York via satellite, as well as phone bids from all over the world. The wonderful auction recorded a total deal of US $50 million, more than five times the pre auction valuation. In the late 1980s, Sotheby's Impressionist and modern works of art in New York and London sold for $1.1 billion. Following a successful path, Sotheby's went public again in New York in 1988.

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