佛山维戴服饰有限公司是一家依托科技信息创新发展起来的服饰企业,是传统内衣服饰行业向服饰大数据、个性化、服务业转型升级的创新企业。公司品牌ONLY TEMPT 维惑从“做一件出色内衣”出发,在滿足不同女性对貼身舒适产品的诉求的同时,让舒适穿着赋予更多的可能。维惑一直倡导"不将就,爱生活,做自己",公司设计团队以世界各地前沿时尚的创新面料进行创作,不断优化产品结构,探寻美学与自由无束的平衡!
设计理念:我们不满足于“只创造精美的内衣”,更希望做有开创意义的设计,继而重新定义内衣设让更多人性化的设计融入到产品当中。极具诱惑的款式设计,改变女性对传统内衣认知,唤醒更多女性对“美好”事物的渴望,让更多的女性散发出源自内在的魅力,鼓励更多女性追求浪漫与自由、轻松、自在的生活理念!ONLY TEMPT维惑:重新定义健康与美!
英文翻译:Foshan weidai Clothing Co., Ltd. is a clothing enterprise relying on technological information innovation and development. It is an innovative enterprise in the transformation and upgrading of traditional underwear clothing industry to clothing big data, personalization and service industry. Company brand onlytempt, starting from "making an excellent underwear", not only meets the demands of different women for close fitting and comfortable products, but also makes comfortable wearing more possible. Weixun has always advocated "do not make do with, love life and be yourself". The company's design team creates with cutting-edge and fashionable innovative fabrics from all over the world, constantly optimizes the product structure, and explores the balance between aesthetics and freedom! Design concept: we are not satisfied with "only creating beautiful underwear", but also want to do creative design, and then redefine the underwear design so that more humanized design can be integrated into the product. Attractive style design can change women's cognition of traditional underwear, awaken more women's desire for "beautiful" things, let more women exude charm from inside, and encourage more women to pursue romantic and free, relaxed and free life concept! Onlytempt puzzle: redefine health and beauty!