Thompson’s 汤普森品牌的创始人是来自英国备受尊敬的医生 M. Barrington Thompson,他擅长使用天然草药进行治疗,并于 1951 年创立了新西兰的较早保健品商店。他热忱地专注于有效地使用草药疗法,让他的病人恢复到良好健康状态。如今,汤普森在澳大利亚的销售也日益增长,产品向全球出口。在澳大利亚,汤普森主要通过保健食品商店和药店销售其产品。
英文翻译:Founded in 1951 in New Zealand, the company is committed to the production of natural plant and herbal health products, providing a series of vitamins / minerals / herbal medicines and nutritional supplements Thompson's Thompson brand. The founder of Thompson's brand is m. Barrington Thompson, a highly respected doctor from the UK. He is good at using natural herbal medicines for treatment, and founded the early health products store in New Zealand in 1951. He is dedicated to the effective use of herbal remedies to restore his patients to good health. Today, Thompson's sales in Australia are growing, and products are exported to the world. In Australia, Thompson sells its products mainly through health food stores and pharmacies. Thompson works with reputable herbal medicine suppliers to stabilize the supply of quality products. Based on scientific research, Thompson focuses on developing truly effective natural health products by using high-quality raw materials and unique product formulas. Thompson constantly innovates and strengthens the product effect to better help healthy life, and provides various health benefits to add power to your healthy life.