浙江雷拓家居有限公司,一家专注于全屋定制产品研发、设计、生产和销售于一体的综合性现代化高新科技企业。公司苛求原材品质, 保障每一件雷拓产品的精工质地;公司专注美感,追求智与美的结合;公司关注消费者,懂得将家文化的DNA 融入每户拥有雷拓产品的家。
雷拓品牌创立于2009年,经过8年的栉风沐雨,8年的市场磨砺,在行业与消费者心中已树立不可撼动的行业标杆地位。企业产品覆盖隔断、中空、镶嵌、柜体及原木等五个产业,旗下共有五个品牌企业:杭州雷拓实业有限公司、杭州马堡实业有限公司、杭州木尚实业有限公司、杭 州宅装汇电子商务有限公司及杭州集创有限公司,拥有厂房面积 50000 平方,员工总数500 余人。每天有 200台自动化生产设备在运作,50 台精密检测仪器力臻产品无暇品质,造就蕴含创意灵感的格调生活。
英文翻译:Zhejiang leituo home furnishing Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive modern high-tech enterprise focusing on R & D, design, production and sales of customized products for the whole house. The company demands raw material quality to ensure the precision quality of every leituo product; the company focuses on aesthetic feeling and pursues the combination of wisdom and beauty; the company pays attention to consumers and knows how to integrate the DNA of family culture into every family with leituo products. Leituo brand was founded in 2009. After eight years of hard work and eight years of market honing, it has established an unshakable industry benchmark position in the hearts of the industry and consumers. Our products cover five industries, such as partition, hollow, inlay, cabinet and log. We have five brand enterprises: Hangzhou leituo Industry Co., Ltd., Hangzhou mabao Industry Co., Ltd., Hangzhou mushang Industry Co., Ltd., Hangzhou zhaizhuang Hui e-commerce Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Jichuang Co., Ltd. with a factory area of 50000 square meters and a total of more than 500 employees. Every day, there are 200 automatic production equipment in operation, 50 precision testing instruments to improve the quality of products, creating a style of life with creative inspiration.